ГРАДЕЖ: Spreading the Light of Masonic Research No. 264: “Freemasonry and the English Civil War” Δ

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ГРАДЕЖ: Spreading the Light of Masonic Research No. 264: “Freemasonry and the English Civil War” Δ

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Spreading the Light of Masonic Research No. 264:

“Freemasonry and the English Civil War” Δ

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Announcement: Our next (online) Unstated Meeting will be on Saturday, June 8th at 10 AM Eastern Time.Here is our latest installment of research papers from Virginia Research Lodge No. 1777. If you would like to be added to the list, or have a friend who would like to be on the list, just send me an email or message. This week’s submission is from Rt. Wor. Shelby L. Chandler, entitled “Freemasonry and the English Civil War” which was presented to George Washington Lodge of Research No. 1732 on March 22, 2015.

This paper explores the origins and details of the English Civil War from 1642 to 1651 between King Charles I and Parliament. Although Freemasonry would not go public with the first Grand Lodge until 1717, a number of well-known Masons served on both sides of the conflict. The army backing Parliament was hard-pressed for officers, as most of the nobility sided with the King. As a result, for the first time, officers were made from non-nobles.

If you enjoy these weekly papers, I highly recommend attending one of Virginia’s premier Research Lodges. Hearing a paper presented in person by the author, with the discussion afterwards, is a far superior experience to simply reading it for yourself. Also, there are papers presented in a Research Lodge that will never be made available online.

Did you miss a paper? See all previous papers here: http://www.researchlodge.org/Lists/Spreading.