(20230310) HTI Update March 10, 2023

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(20230310) HTI Update March 10, 2023

High Twelve International News & Information



High Twelve International  March Up-Date

March 10, 2023


Cochise Masonic High Twelve Club #703 – AZ

Hello, All High Twelvians & Guests. Now that the evening is lighter, some of our senior members and guests will attend our monthly meetings, which is excellent. We especially welcome back our Masonic Widows and Widowers who we have missed. 

Our March 10 meeting is shaping up to be pretty interesting. Brother Spike Fortier, who resides in Alaska and Tombstone, Arizona, is the guest speaker and should be very telling – no Pinocchio’s at this meeting. 

Our very own Masonic Representative and HTI Representative Trustee Harry Brown, PCP, PSP was awarded his fifty-year apron by the Arizona Grand Master WB Jim Baker at Huachuca Lodge #53 stated meeting in Sierra Vista, AZ. WB Harry is an excellent example for all younger Masons to follow. He is everywhere doing rituals or audits. Well, I’m not one to make up newsletter articles; so that’s it for now.

Fraternally & Respectively
Andrew Anderson
(520) 234-3225


Esperanza High Twelve Club #801 – FL

On Saturday March 4th  club members united with Cape Coral Masonic Lodge in fraternal community service work.


Abiff Tri-City High Twelve Club #799 – Detroit MI – Rodrick Brown, Jr. President

We have two new members for our club, Brothers Nudal and Dakota WELCOME Brothers!


Cornerstone Masonic High Twelve Club #722 – IL

Gizmo Segal recently became a pet candidate for Pet Partners 2nd Annual Pet of the Year competition to raise funds for the work of Pet Partners –the nation’s leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving human health and well-being through the human-animal bond from February 1 – March 15.

Therapy animal work is often unknown or misunderstood. Here are some compelling statistics: Interaction with therapy animals in medical settings has been correlated with the following effects:
·        Decreased perceptions of pain
·        Improved recovery rates
·        Decreased anxiety & stress
·        Less fear and worry in patients

Pet Partners (PP) is dedicated to a future where every visit requested can be fulfilled by an incredible therapy animal team.

Gizmo Graduating Adult II Class
New Hair Cut for his November Birthday
Pet Partners with a Therapy Dog


Sun City West High 12 Club #567 – AZ

March 2023 meeting was held at ROYAL CAFE Restaurant, 10793 Grand Avenue (US Route 60) in Sun City on Friday, 10 March 2023 beginning at 8:00 AM. 

The March meeting featured a presentation by Randall Sturdevant, of Edward Jones, regarding the current economic outlook for 2023.  President Dave Miller presenting the guest speaker certificate.


Illinois Association Midyear Meeting
Saturday, March 18, 11am
MCL Cafeteria
2151 Wabash Ave, Springfield, Illinois


For additional information contact:

Stephen Pringle, President


From the HTI Secretary, Thomas Brotherton, III

Interested in running for an elective office in HTI?

Members interested in running for elective office must email to secretary@high12.org the following not later than 4/1/23:

1. Office intending to run for
(2nd & 3rd VP & 3 Year Endowment Fund Trustee)
2. A letter of support from your Association, if one exists
3. A letter of support from your club(s)
4. Your statement “if elected I will serve”
5. A resume showing your qualifications

Applications received after 4/1 will be accepted late, BUT
will require a Nomination from the Floor Form at the 102nd Convention!


Phyllis Chestang, Wolcott Fellow

These highlights may be ‘of interest’ showing how your gift that helped me complete my MBA, International Business & Finance, at George Washington University — ‘keeps on giving’ *** BRAVO!!

Your insight & wisdom to envision a long-term/long haul sustainable investment in me is still paying dividends.

Here is a brief excerpt from a recent scientific/medical article titled, “Social media benefits and risks v. Colorectal Cancer, Thyroid Cancer, and Chronic Health Conditions.


Here are pictures from a recent UCLA/Biomedical Technology conference in Westwood, Los Angeles, CA


Phyllis M. Chestang, MBA
Business Owner & Founder, Second Wind, a 501c3, 4Education & Community


Many clubs have asked how are the Wolcott Foundation giving award badges to displayed on the club banner?  Well here is a sample of a cloth strip 4″ wide to put the badges on secured with a binder clip.  Some have used a small dowel with the cloth strip and binder clip. Others have used a dowel inserted into the open top tube frame (have to remove the end tube plug that also acts as a stop if the banner snaps to the base uncontrolled, which can damage the banner!).


Waterloo High Twelve Club #46 – IA

I truly believe High-Twelve is, along with Order of De Molay, THE best ‘gateway’ to Freemasonry.  Unless your lodge has an open dinner before each Stated meeting and thus an opportunity for a ‘prospect’ to meet the Brothers, see the Lodge Hall, etc, how better to share our Fraternity with friends, neighbors, co-workers and even male family members in a very casual way?

Indeed my first intro to Masonry, even before I became a De Molay Boy & then a Mason, was when I went to a High-Twelve luncheon at age 13 with my Dad’s boss.  It was the Club’s annual “Bring your son to High-Twelve” luncheon and Mr. Ecklund did not have a son so I was “loaned”.  Wow!  When the Dubuque, Iowa club members went around the room with each member introducing themselves, I saw one from my church, one of my teachers, etc.

Years later I was asked to provide a program to that very same High-Twelve Club.  I was hooked!  Ever since I’ve been pleased to have this special group of Brothers as my luncheon friends as well.  How better to get to know people than over a casual dinner?  Everyone has to eat after all, so when a friend, co-worker or neighbor asks you to join him for lunch at his special ‘club’, why not?  It sure paid off for me as it does for countless others.  I’m willing to bet that if we did a survey we would find that cities with High-Twelve Clubs have more healthy, active Lodges than those cities without one.  High-Twelve is indeed the gateway into Masonry!

Gerald Edgar, PSP
North Central Association 2021-22
Mosaic #125 @ Dubuque & dual @ Bethel #319 @ Garner, IA

Picture is my late Dad, son & I – three generations of High-Twelve members with my son, Lee Edgar, being a Wolcott Fellow!


CHI-ILL High Twelve Club #791 – IL – by Marty Kwilosz

CHI-ILL High 12 Club’s 2nd VP Ruben Valadez with Lady Brandi and Sgt At Arms Leonardo Biundo with Lady Crystal are sharing a unique honor together. Sat February 26th Alex Valadez was Installed as Master Councilor while Joey Biundo was installed as Senior Councilor of Bloomingdale DeMolay Chapter. It was a packed house and unique Star Wars themed event! Many CHI-ILL High Twelve Club members were in attendance to support the sons of Great local Masonic leaders youth rising to be leaders themselves respectively.


CHI-ILL High Twelve Club members Ivan Lugo with Lady Joy have had a distinct honor lately. Outside of everything they do within the Masonic world they are active Motor Cycle Enthusiasts and members of A.B.A.T.E., which is an organization of designed to support the rights of Motor Cycle Riders. Within their role at A.B.A.T.E  (American Bikers Aimed Toward Education) they have been recently presenting motor cycle safety courses at several high schools in the Chicago area to educate new and soon to be drivers on all forms of Motor Cycle Safety. There spirit working with our great Youth embodies everything High Twelve Stands for!

CHI-ILL High Twelve Club will be once again Selling Ducks for Special Olympics! This is a program spearheaded by our 3rd VP and Resident Star Special Olympics Athlete Jose Moreno! We raise awareness for Special Olympics by Selling Rubber Ducks that are dumped into the Chicago River and take part in the Ducky Derby! People who purchased winning Ducks get amazing prizes and all monies raised go to Support Special Olympics Programs. This will be our second year lending our hand to this amazing cause! As the warm weather gets closer please stay posted to CHI-ILL High 12 Club Social Media so you 2 can get involved!

Marty Kwilosz


President’s High Twelve Club #1002 – Bulgaria Members

Sapere Aude 104 – Brief History of Freemasonry in Bulgaria by Brother Dimiter Mandradjiev together with Brother Plamen Mateev, a video article.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sLyFrerico&t=2s


Sun City West High Twelve Club #567 – AZ

At our regular monthly meeting on 3/10/23 was quite the busy one and got off with a splash courtesy of our server, food was delivered in good shape!

The club put on a Pancake Breakfast February 11th  and thank you’s were handed out to the workers by Robert Carhart, Secy & Chairman.  The club made $1,250 for the 3 youth groups, Boy Scouts, Sun City Lodge #72 (for use of their facility) and the West Side Food Bank rice and bean fund.

Brother Harry Brown, WF Rep. for AZ presented 3 Century Club Awards to club members and one for the club for funds totaling $550 that were presented to Michael Clark, WF Chairman at the pancake breakfast.

A Gold Honour Award from the York Rite Sovereign College was presented by David Miller and Richard Young to Kevin Hokerk-Robinson on his many years of service to the fraternity and in particular to High Twelve at the club, state and international levels.

A presentation was made to our long time server and assistant manager of the Royal Cafe in Sun City AZ to thank them for all they do for us to meet there by David Miller, President.

Members and Ladies in attendance on 3/10/23


Club Secretary’s Take Note!

Your MARCH Online Monthly Report F-200a is due immediately after your last March meeting!  This is the report that will be used to calculate the 2023-24 Per-Capita Statements that will be mailed 4/30.  All Secretary’s are to enter the Membership numbers and do not to check the No Changes Box!


Don’t forget our fundraiser with
Rada Cultery!

We receive 40% of each order made.

Follow this LINK for the offer