(20221101) Канада: ВЛ на Канада в провинция Онтарио: Новини

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(20221101) Канада: ВЛ на Канада в провинция Онтарио: Новини
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Good morning Brethren.


Did you know ???


As we continue
to come out of 
this COVID-19 pandemic
and all its variants



with all Masonic meetings re-opened
in the Peterborough District,




this month’s
Beacon: Lighting the Way !!!



provides you with:
The Smell of Masonry
by V.W. Bro. Adam Baker on page 60



a November Masonic poem
by R.W. Bro. Bob Keay,
Peterborough DDGM 2014 – 2015,
I’ve Been Murdered By A Mason”,
on pages 71 & 72



and a lot of Masonic Education




including this month’s feature article from
V.W. Bro. Adam Baker,
Clementi Lodge
A.F. & A.M. No. 313 G.R.C.,
Cable Tow & Cable Length
Are they the same?
How do they differ?
on pages 58 & 59.



November is known as
the Movember Month




Men are encouraged to grow
a mustache this month
for the Movember Foundation.




Don’t forget to turn
your clocks back
on Sunday, 06 November,
at 2:00 a.m.

Fall Back !!!


And honour our Veterans
on Friday, 11 November.



Enclosed is the November 2022 issue
of the Beacon: Lighting the Way !!!




I trust that you will enjoy
reading this month’s issue
and I highly recommend
that you forward it on to others
who too will enjoy reading its contents.


A big thank-you to
R.W. Bro. Robert Kliaman,
Treasurer of Canada Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 532 G.R.C.,
Toronto East District,
and to
W. Bro. Tim Lucas,
Secretary of Keene Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 374 G.R.C., Peterborough District,
for their tremendous assistance in helping me
with putting together each month’s issue of the Beacon: Lighting the Way !!!
using Mail Chimp,
as well as to
Bro. Danny McLaughlin,
Corinthian Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 101 G.R.C.,
for continuing as the District Photographer / Visual Archivist
for this year !!!


A reminder that when you open this issue
of the Beacon: Lighting the Way !!!
and want to save it into your hard drive,
at the top right corner of the view,
there are three buttons, left to right: rotate, download, and print. The middle button,
the download button icon, is a downward pointing arrow with a bar underneath it.
Click on it and download
the Beacon: Lighting the Way !!!
into your computer. It will ask you
where to place it, usually
in the documents folder.
Your naming of the file is important
for those who want to reference
the work later. Your current naming
needs to include the phrase
Beacon: Lighting the Way !!! in it.
Then you can find these and they will
group together in the folder. I suggest
the word Beacon at the beginning
of the label, then the date, and then
the rest of your label. This will group
the files together for easy recall
on a person’s hard drive.
– adapted from W. Bro. Tim Lucas.


Sincerely and fraternally yours,

Bob McBride


Here is your November


Beacon: Lighting the Way !!!

To open

the November 2022 issue

(click here !!! )





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