(20221016) Канада: ВЛ Манитоба: Новини

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(20221016) Канада: ВЛ Манитоба: Новини
Volume 32 | 2022






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That’s a good question ?


What is a Masonic hoodwink ?
The Hoodwink represents the darkness before birth, before education and spiritual enlightenment.


A Masonic hoodwink is not used as a method of deception. It is simply a symbolic and visual method of covering the eyes which is used in the initiation of the candidate into acquiring new knowledge, hence the term, “from darkness to light”.







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A Famous Freemason


Ballington Booth was a British born Christian minister, born on July 28th, 1857 in Brighouse, England. He was the second child of the founders of the Salvation Army in 1878. As a teenager he was preaching at some of the early open-air meetings leading to the Salvation Army. He often ended the meetings with a song and playing his concertina. By the age of 23 he had become a colonel in the Salvation Army. He was a training officer and was sent to Australia, the United States and Canada.


In 1886, Booth and his wife were assigned to the United States where they became American citizens in 1895. During the 1891 Depression, Booth established men’s shelters for those impacted by the Depression. Booth and his wife were instrumental in establishing the Salvation Army infrastructure in the United States.


Booth and his wife left the Salvation Army shortly after becoming U.S. citizens. This was largely due to a conflict with his brother who had become the Chief of the Staff of the Salvation Army and wanted to transfer Booth and his wife to other parts of the World. After leaving the Salvation Army the Booths established God’s American Volunteers, which was renamed to Volunteers of America (VOA).


When Booth left the Salvation Army he took many of the American Salvation Army officers and soldiers with him. Possibly more important was the fact he also took with him many of the bigger American donors.


Booth became the “General” of the Volunteers of America and with the title spoke with President Woodrow Wilson regarding the effect of World War I on society. Booth offered the service of the VOA, which Wilson turned down. Wilson also allowed the Salvation Army to send personnel with the American Expeditionary Force. Despite the setback with Wilson, Booth later spoke with President Franklin D. Roosevelt about providing relief during the Great Depression. Booth led the VOA until his passing on October 5th, 1940.


Booth was a member of Montclair Lodge No. 144 in New Jersey. He later became a member of Charter Oak Lodge No. 249 in New York City, New York. He was also the Grand Chaplain for the Grand Lodge of New York. He was a member of the York Rite and Scottish Rite as well as a member of Kismet Temple of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine.


Source: MasonryToday





A Masonic Moment

(Chips Off the Ashlar) October 2022

R.W. Bro Richard Lacoursiere 


Our Masonic Journey is Often Unclear


As Autumn sets her tendrils into us and paints the landscape into a collage of reds, brown and orange, our Masonic journeys are once again in full swing, where does that journey leads us is anyone’s guess.


I just got back from a trip through NW Ontario where one early morning driving East to Marathon from Thunder Bay, Autumn had hung fog across the morning sky for as far as one could see. Made driving difficult and the trip longer that I wanted. It was during this morning excursion that I reflected on my journey within Freemasonry. I know that I have at times found myself down a path that did not resonate with me and something along that path sent me off in a different direction. Other times the path was fogged in, making one unaware of what laid ahead withing and beyond the fog.


The wonderful thing about Freemasonry is that indeed each of us can travel a different path yet arrive at the same junction and travel a spell together and then again travel our separate way with the goal of perfecting our Ashlars, finding that divine spark that resides in each of us. I find that as I read various books on subjects peculiar to Freemasonry that often what your intentions where for reading that book, it will on its own send you down a rabbit hole on to other avenues of pursuit and thought.


Four books that I have read or am in the middle of reading are:

·        The Kabbalistic Tree of Life by Z’ev ben Shimon Hailev

·        The Path of Freemasonry (The Craft as a Spiritual Practise) by Miles Stavish.

·        A Path to Providence by: Benjamin Wallace and P Shaun Bradshaw

·        The Contemplative Lodge by C.R. Dunning Jr.


Each of these books send you down a spiritual path that is both uplifting and unnerving as they tend to cause, or perhaps allow a person to self reflect. Not sure about the many of you but I for one hesitate when it comes to self reflection; yet it is that exact exercise that allows each of us to chip away and polish our imperfect ashlars.


Freemasonry is a journey, for some individually and for others in a group setting. I don’t believe it matters how one journeys in his Masonic life, the importance is the continuation of that journey. Lastly, if any of you have papers, ideas for a Masonic moment do not hesitate to email me at rpal5655@gmail.com.


Yours in the Craft                                 


Remember, Freemasonry ­= Yours to Discover


The opinions and thoughts written here are not of any Grand Lodge , but rather those of my own.


























Articles published in this newsletter are not necessarily the opinion of the Grand Lodge of Manitoba or any of its officers or members, but are solely those of the writer…

Freemasonry is the world’s oldest and largest fraternity. It is comprised of adult men (18+) of good character from every country, religion, race, age, income, education, and opinion. Its body of knowledge and system of ethics is based on the belief that each man has a responsibility to improve himself while being devoted to his family, his faith, his country, and his fraternity.


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to the email address provided below. 

 Grand Lodge of Manitoba |  204.453.7410 | reception@grandlodge.mb.ca
