(20230404) April President’s Club Letter

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(20230404) April President’s Club Letter

April 4, 2023

To our President’s Club Member, Brother Dimiter Mandradjiev


I hope everyone is enjoying what I hope is the start of warmer spring weather.  For me, it’s a joy to now be able to sit outside and enjoy the sun, sounds of spring, and catching up with my neighbors.   

For months I have sent you messages talking about what High Twelve means to me.   I thought this time I would turn the tables and ask you a few questions to gain perspective from your point of view.

What advantages do you see as a member?  How does it differ from other Masonic bodies you may belong to?

Do you have ideas on how we can improve with respect to messaging? Communication? Involvement?

I would first ask to have you spend some time on our website at www.high12.org and read our history, current events, and the history and accomplishments of The Wolcott Foundation and how we support our Youth Groups.  
Check out our Facebook Page at High Twelve International, Inc.
 If anything stands out that you feel is noteworthy, or you have a question, or even ideas on how we can improve…PLEASE reach out to me at Rick@high12.org

Any Masonic Body and its leaders are only as good as the communication, cooperation, and feedback they receive.   Each of you has a reason why you became a President’s Club Member, so the question I ask is…how can we improve?   Your input is valuable and wanted…please reach out and let’s talk!

Stay safe, enjoy the warmer weather and God Bless!

Rick Santella
1st Vice-President
High Twelve International

CC: Exec Board & Wolcott Chairman