(20220724) ОВЛ Англия: Мачестър Левъл Клуб: Повдигане в степен Майстор – Фестивалът 2026

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(20220724) ОВЛ Англия: Мачестър Левъл Клуб: Повдигане в степен Майстор – Фестивалът 2026

2026 Festival Special

Hello and welcome to this special edition of the MLC Third Rising where we are talking all things Festival! We know to many of us, Festival conjures up memories of sleepless nights in muddy fields, glow sticks and plenty of stories that will only be spoken about in a close circle of friends! Believe it or not, we have our very own Masonic Festival in 2026 that may also mean sleepless nights and muddy fields, but for a very different reason – sponsorship and raising funds for charity!

Ready to find out more? Then we’ve set out below


What Is The 2026 Festival?

As Manchester Masons, we may have all heard by now that our Masonic Province of East Lancashire has begun a major fund-raising appeal – The 2026 Festival, and we are aware that we are being asked for their support.

But how many of us really understand what the aims of The Festival are and where the money goes? We asked W.Bro Steve Thomson, a District Festival Manager in Manchester, Director of The East Lancashire Masonic Charity and member of the Appeals Committee to tell us all about it. read more


Hadrian’s Wall 4 Night Festival Challenge

During August a brave group will be attempting to walk the the Hadrian’s Wall path – going coast to coast, unsupported and lugging their own food, camping and cooking gear.

85 Miles over 4 nights, close to marathon distances each day and all in aid of the 2026 MCF Festival. One of the walkers is our very own club Secretary Tom Daniel, who knows first hand the great work MCF does having been a beneficiary in the past. Tom will be pushed on with the fellow walkers Elliott Jervis & our APGM Mark Davis to name a few.

If you can spare any sponsorship, the group would feel encouraged and thankful. Their Justgiving link is below.

Sponsor the team

Regular Monthly Donation

The best and easiest way for you to support the Festival is by making a regular monthly donation by Direct Debit over the remainder of the 5 year Festival period. Some will give more, some less, and no-one has any expectation that members will give anything unless they can easily afford it. Gift Aided payments also enable the MCF to reclaim tax paid on your donations.

Follow this link to set up a regular donation


The Festival Is About Having Fun

The Festival is about having fun. Any of us can set up fun events and activities in support of the 2026 Festival and to promote the work of the Masonic Charitable Foundation. Don’t forget that anybody can easily set up a Fund Raising Page to support the Festival and obtain sponsorship for that “Dare” you are going to do.

Download sponsorship from here


Now For Something Less Festival


Fancy a Masonic Binge?

Don’t forget we have our very own MLC Netflix! All 44 learning sessions are available to watch again, binge or do some research on an upcoming piece of ritual that perhaps you’ve been asked to deliver. You’ll also find the slide packs there too along with some handy tips on how to prepare for a Festive Board toast.

To access the MLC Members Hub, visit the MLC website

Visit MLC Website

Swinging Into Our August Social

Our next social is upon us! We all had a really good time at Teamsport Go Karting at the last social and it was great for other members to meet each other again and many for the first time. The next social event will be on Saturday August 13th @ 2pm and we’ll be heading to JUNKYARD GOLF!

Junkyard Golf is on First Street, right around the corner from HOME. If you love things loud and flashy, you’ll love Junkyard Golf! It’s essentially crazy golf on steroids! We start playing at 2pm but I know a few of us will be there early to get some drinks in and maybe grab a bite to eat before the fun begins!

It is £10 to play the course and once again we have limited spaces so to avoid disappointment click on the link below to register with details of how to pay!!

Register Here

Did you hear a pin drop?

We did as the MLC lapel pin has just dropped in to our online shop! What a great way to start a conversation with other MLC members as you wear your distinctive pin with pride & stand out from the crowd. Whilst you’re there, check out our other branded merchandise too!

Visit our shop