(20210214) Велика ложа на Индия: Ложа Северна звезда 379 – серия “Масонско общение”: ВУ Бр Бхарат В. Епур (+ВИД)

Новина 302 от 1305
(20210214) Велика ложа на Индия: Ложа Северна звезда 379 – серия “Масонско общение”: ВУ Бр Бхарат В. Епур (+ВИД)

Dear Sir and Most Worshipful Brother,


Fraternal greetings from Lodge North Star No. 379, GLI, Bangalore. Thank you for your support for our webinar series “A Masonic Communion with R.W. Bro. Bharat V. Epur, OSM”. With your affection, zealous participation and the untiring efforts of the Webinar Team led by R.W. Bro. Bharat, we have completed 40 episodes so far.


We are also overwhelmed with the feedback and response we have received from you. We have launched a video channel as a repository of these episodes so that all Brethren can revisit them at their convenience. The channel can be accessed at 


The episodes have been categorised into 

  1. Entered Apprentice/General (Open to all Freemasons)
  2. Fellow Craft
  3. Master Mason

In order to keep our Masonic secrets safe, each video is password protected. There are three passwords, one for each category mentioned above, i.e. the password for all videos in the same category is the same.

The passwords are:

Category Password         Applicable to

1 Entered Apprentice Cable-Tow         All other Episodes

2 Fellow Craft Shibboleth         Episode VI

3 Master Mason Menatschim       Episode IX


Happy viewing, and please let us know what you think in the comments!

Yours sincerely & fraternally,

Lodge North Star Webinar Team.