The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Bulgaria considers that, as the mother of all the regular Grand Lodges in Bulgaria, is called upon to provide information and clarification about the essence of Freemasonry. For this reason, you can access the following Masonic discource: Initiative “Furnishing computer rooms in the schools where…
ОщеThe Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Bulgaria considers that, as the mother of all the regular Grand Lodges in Bulgaria, is called upon to provide information and clarification about the essence of Freemasonry. For this reason, you can access the following Masonic discource: The Meaning of Darkness in the Initiation Rites…
ОщеToday a 2nd degree ritual was held at the Slatina Masonic Hall in the orient of Sofia. It was a joint ritual between Zahari Stoyanov lodge and Asen Zlatarov lodge. The ritual also had a hybrid part online. It consisted of opening, having a Brother as a guest speaker, greeting guests, discussing future activities. There…
ОщеToday an entered apprentice ritual was held at the Slatina Masonic Hall in the orient of Sofia. It was a joint ritual between Asen Zlatarov lodge and Zahari Stoyanov lodge. The ritual also had a hybrid part online. It consisted of opening, having a Brother as a guest speaker, greeting guests, discussing future activities. There…
ОщеDear Brethren, please find information and a partial interview with MW GM Bro. Plamen Mateev given to the Bulgarian National Radio. Conference gathers masons from all over the world in Bulgaria in 2018 An international conference on “Masonry and Society” will be held in September next year in Bulgaria on the idea of the Grand…
ОщеToday the Most Worshipful Grand Master Bro. Plamen Mateev (GM of Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Bulgaria), assisted in his actions by the Very Worshipful Vice-Grand Master and Beloved Brothers from craft lodges in Orient Sofia, layed flower wreaths at the Independence Monument, located next to the former Tzar’s Palace on…
Още(20150915) Temple of the Scottish Ritte and meeting with the Vice-Grand Master of the GL of Florida, Miami, USA
ОщеВеликата ложа на старите свободни и приети зидари в България счита, че като майка на всички регулярни Велики ложи в България, е призвана да дава информация и разяснение относно същината на масонството. По тази причина причина може да достъпите следния градеж на масонска тематика: Великата Ложа на Старите Свободни и Признати Зидари в Ориент България…
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