Shared United Bulgarian Orient (SUBO)

Георги Стойков Раковски - български масон

Georgy Stoykov Rakovski – Bulgarian freemason

Most Worshipful,

Very Worshipful,

Roght Worshipful,


We, who follow the aspirations of all the brothers to coordinate and synchronize the efforts of all Masons in the future shared and united Bulgarian Orient with 136 years of history, have been in the process of searching for the path to sharing Orient Bulgaria. Regardless of our efforts, or perhaps because of the way in which we have realized them in the moment of orientation, 8 different Masonic Grand Lodges practice ritual activities in Bulgaria. Each of them has its own history and relevant communications with the fraternal chain outside of Bulgaria.

In connection with the debates on the topic of finding unity and harmony in the actions of the Bulgarian Masonic brothers from Great Lodges wtih certified origin (reguar consecration), I declare that my Grand Lodge of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Bulgaria would like and in a brotherly manner asks for the sharing of knowledge and/or experience of your Grand Lodge with regard to the process of achieving unity in the actions of the Brethren. We have the understanding that the non-interference in the actions of another Grand Lodge is both a right and a duty of every Brother-mason, but the reason for our request is related to the work in favor of the Shared United Bulgarian Orient project. I will welcome and I will be extremely grateful for the information or descriptions regarding the experience you have in this type of Brothers’ activity.

We realize that the work done here in Orient Bulgaria could have a more serious result, but in life each brother chooses his own criteria for the success. This, however, does not mean that other criterias will disappear. It just shows who is who. Please be one of us, just as I and my Brothers are one of you and your Brothers.




M∴W∴ G∴M∴ Bro∴ prof. Plamen Mateev, PhD.

Members of the Shared United Bulgarian Orient are:

  1. Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Bulgaria
  2. Grand Lodge of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Bulgaria
  3. Grand Lodge of Bulgaria

News related to the Shared United Bulgarian Orient: