Freemasonic charity initiatives

1Charity is a virtue, one of the most expensive for the Masons. But there is no need to mix the alms that humiliate the one who takes it to elevate the one who gives it. A cautious advice, a gesture of solidarity, a returned favor, are sometimes much more efficient than money. The metals we asked you to leave before entering the Temple symbolize everything that shines with a faded glow. This is the daily coin, the trivial prejudices: it contains an illusory wealth that the humble must despise. The man who wants to be free must learn to break away from the tiny things and remember that greed is the root of all sins. But these metals, appropriately handled by the humble, can also serve good. We have a share of solidarity, for which we need to rely on the good feelings of our Brothers. They have to check both their means and their hearts in order not to exceed the funds they can donate. Mercy actually ceases to be a virtue if it becomes detrimental to a holy duty, namely: caring for a family, children for rearing, support for old parents, public obligations to perform: these are the basic duties that nature and conscience impose upon us. You will give your donation to our Solidarity Deeds, according to your possibilities and discreetly, since the virtue of Mason must not be on to the idea to show or on the vanity, for it is to be deprived of display in order no to arise due to the gesture or not to humiliate the one who receives the support and help from you.

Maintenance of the graves of Br. Asen Zlatarov and Br. Lyubo Kotzev –  (initiative of GLAFAMBG)

More information to be available soon

Freemasonic Temple of GLAFAMBG in Blagoevgrad city – (Temple of GLAFAMBG)

More information to be available soon

Scottish RIte Temple in Sofia city (Temple of SC33° AASR of Freemasonry in Bulgaria)

More information to be available soon

Freemasonic Temple of the Grand Lodge of Bulgaria in Sofia city –  (Temple of GLB)

More information to be available soon

The Church in the campus if the Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Varna) – (initiative of GLAASRBG)

More information to be available soon

The “St. Procopius of Varna” and the church’s community centre – (initiative of Mother Craft Lodge “Chernomorski priyateli”)

More information to be available soon

Information system of GLAFAMBG – (initiative of GLAFAMBG)

From mid-MAY 2020, the financing of the internet portal of the GLAFAMBG has been stopped. At the moment, the support is carried out in the hope that there will be a will in the Brothers to continue the support for this activity and not to lose irretrievably the information that has been collected, sorted and published during the passed 6 years. This decision comes at a time when all Masonic entities in the world are spending more or more money on online activities for the first time or once again. If you want to make a donation for this activity, please contact PGM MW Bro. Plamen Mateev.

Internet presense of GLAFAMBG – (initiative of GLAFAMBG)

From the mid-MAY 2020, the financing of the internet presence of the GLAFAMBG, by having an official website and also active accounts in social media portals as well as the translations into English and other languages, which have to be done by publishing information, has been stopped. At the moment, the support is carried out in the hope that there will be a will in the Brothers to continue the support for this activity and not to lose irretrievably the information that has been collected, sorted and published during the passed 6 years. This decision comes at a time when all Masonic entities in the world are spending more or more money on online activities for the first time or once again. If you want to make a donation for this activity, please contact Br Dimiter Mandradjiev.