The seal of The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Bulgaria.
Press to download a HQ version – with year 1879.
Press to download a HQ version – with year 1997.
To the current active Grand Master:
Most Worshipful Grand Master Bro. NAME (MW GM Bro. NAME)
To the past Grand Master:
Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Bro. NAME (MW PGM Bro. NAME)
To the current active and the past Vice-Grand Masters:
Very Worshipful Past Vice-Grand Master Bro. NAME (VW PVGM Bro. NAME)
To the current active and past Grand Officers and Chairmen of Commissions:
Very Worshipful (Grand or Past Grand) (Officers title / Chairman of Grand Commission) (VW abbv. title Bro. NAME)
To the current and past Masters of a Craft Lodge:
Right Worshipful Lodge Master Bro. NAME (RW LM Bro. NAME)
To the current officers in a craft lodge:
Honorable Bro TITLE (Honorable Bro. Title)
To and between master masons:
Master (М)
To and between apprentices and fellowcraft, but also universal calling between freemasons:
Brother (Bro.)
Honorable (Hon.)
Honorable Brother (Hon. Bro.)
To all grand officers and lodge masters upon the change of their position can be called with the highest achieved position.