30 January 2021glafambgbg1Video, ВЛ - Грузия, GL - India, ВЛ - Канада - Алберта, ВЛ - Канада - Квебек, GL - Canada - Manitoba, GL - Canada - Ontario, ВЛ - Кипър, ВЛ - Ливан, ВЛ - САЩ - Аризона, GL - USA - Vermont, ВЛ - САЩ - Джорджия, GL - USA - Connecticut, GL - USA - Massachusetts, GL - USA - New Jersey, GL - USA - New York State, GL - USA - Ohio, GL - USA - Rhode Island, ВЛ - Шотландия - ДВЛ Ливан, GL - South Africa, ВЛ - Ямайка, GM - Addresses - Plamen Mateev, GM - Meetings - Plamen Mateev, History - Bulgaria, History - World, Foreign Affairs, World

Today the MW IPGM Bro. Plamen Mateev participated as a guest speaker in the 10th International Masonic Town Hall. This international conference was held online due to CoViD-19 and was planned and organized by The Grand Lodge of the State of New York, Grand Lodge of Arizona and the Grand Lodge of South Africa. In the…