(20210130) Participation in the 10th International Masonic Town Hall (+VID)

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(20210130) Participation in the 10th International Masonic Town Hall (+VID)

Today the MW IPGM Bro. Plamen Mateev participated as a guest speaker in the 10th International Masonic Town Hall. This international conference was held online due to CoViD-19 and was planned and organized by The Grand Lodge of the State of New York, Grand Lodge of Arizona and the Grand Lodge of South Africa. In the Conference participation took over 1000 Brother Masons from 19 Grand Lodges worldwide.

A few statistics for this edition includes representatives from

  • 13 Countries
  • 10 US States
  • 19 Grand Lodges
  • 2 Supreme Councils
  • Scottish Right NMJ
  • General Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons International,
  • 11 Time Zones
  • 200 confirmed attendees
  • 23 Most Worshipful Brethren
  • 7 Illustrious Brethren (that we are aware of) including the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction
  • 1 Most Excellent General Grand High Priest.
  • 22 Right Worshipful Brethren
  • 3 Very Worshipful Brethren
  • 45 Worshipful Brethren
