Днес всички Български Братя и граждани на нашата родина по целия свят отдават своето уважение към Национално-освободителното движение, което довежда до успешен край през 1878 г. поривите и мечтите на поколения за свободна България. Да живей България! 3х3
ОщеВеликата ложа на старите свободни и приети зидари в България счита, че като майка на всички регулярни Велики ложи в България, е призвана да дава информация и разяснение относно същината на масонството. По тази причина причина може да достъпите следния градеж на масонска тематика: „Обзавеждане на компютърни кабинети в училищата, в които се учат децата…
ОщеWaterloo High Twelve Club #46 – IA Several officers from the North Central Association installed the incoming officers of Waterloo #46 on December 29, 2023. There was also a special guest, the Grand Master of Iowa, Darrell Fremont. A good meal and prize drawing were held and Chaplin Olsson performed a one-man Christmas skit…
ОщеJanuary 9, 2024 To our President’s Club Member, Brother Dimiter Mandradjiev HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I hope your holidays were special, filled with love and great new memories to savor! Our Governing Board Meeting takes place in New Orleans this January 12-14th. I am looking forward to sharing new ideas, new successes and, most importantly, being…
ОщеБюлетин 2023 по съюзни ложи Новини през 2023 от с.л. 001 „Зора“ Новини през 2023 от с.л. 002 „Светлина“ Новини през 2023 от с.л. 003 „Сердика“ Новини през 2023 от с.л. 004 „Заря“ Новини през 2023 от с.л. 005 „Черноморски приятели“ Новини през 2023 от с.л. 006 „Мадара“ Новини през 2023 от с.л. 007 „Дунавска звезда“ Новини през 2023…
ОщеIssue 64 – December 2023 Momentous Meeting The Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge in Wales READ MORE Strategy in action Shared experience In his Quarterly Communication address, the Pro Grand Master Jonathan Spence described the benefit of holding multiple ceremonies. One Northumberland Lodge has done just…
ОщеBrethren and Friends, Please excuse the delay in sending out this replay. I will be working on improving the use of my 24 inch gauge in 2024. This email contains the replay for Episode 54 of virtual Masonic eduction: “The Role of the Masonic Research Lodge,” by W.B. Daniel Rivera. Watch the…
ОщеDecember 4, 2023 To our President’s Club Member, Brother Dimiter Mandradjiev My father celebrated his 92nd birthday this past October. He is dealing with some physical issues and cannot get around as much as he would like. I tell you this because the other day I was visiting him, I usually bring him some of…
ОщеFellow High Twelvians, I’ve learned in life to always make time to reflect upon areas of my life I am forever grateful. You would be surprised how being thankful each day helps overcome or deal with areas of life that bring you pause. Having said this, I want to share with you what I…