(20001017) Recognition from Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Kentucky, USA Download the PROCEEDINGS from the 201st Annual Communication of the GRAND LODGE of Free and Accepted Masons of Kentucky, October 16,17, 2000. News related to the work between GL AF&AM in Bulgaria and The MW GL F&AM of Kentucky, USA:
Още(20001010) Recognition from The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of West Virginia, USA The Proceedings of the year 2000 are available at: http://gwm.lunaimaging.com/luna/servlet/media/book/showBook/GWMGWM~18~18~1117~140134 Proceedings from the year 2001 Proceedings from the year 2002 Proceedings from the year 2003 News related to the work between GL AF&AM in Bulgaria…
Още(20000921) Recognition from Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Idaho, USA Information obtained from the Proceeding of GL of Florida 2002 News related to the work between GL AF&AM in Bulgaria and The MW GL AF&AM of Idaho, USA:
Още(20000915) Recognition from Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Iowa, USA Information obtained from the Proceeding of GL of Florida 2002 News from 2006: Information obtained from the Proceeding of GL of Florida 2008 News related to the work between GL AF&AM in Bulgaria and The MW GL AF&AM of Iowa,…
Още(20000726) Recognition from Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin, USA News related to the work between GL AF&AM in Bulgaria and The MW GL F&AM of Wisconsin, USA:
Още(20010720) Recognition from Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Oregon, USA News related to the work between GL AF&AM in Bulgaria and The MW GL AF&AM of Oregon, USA:
ОщеMasonic Light in Bulgaria Donald L. Saint, 33° Deputy Grand Master, American Canadian Grand Lodge (ACGL) Wetziarer Strasse 18, 35435 Wettenberg, Germany Freemasonry has been well received in Bulgaria. In April 2000, Sovereign Grand Commander C. Fred Kleinknecht, 33°, received a letter from the Grand Master of Bulgaria, M.W. Ivan Stavrev, requesting him to…
ОщеВеликата ложа на старите свободни и приети зидари в България счита, че като майка на всички регулярни Велики ложи в България, е призвана да дава информация и разяснение относно същината на масонството. По тази причина причина може да достъпите следния градеж на масонска тематика: Церемониалът на посветените Науката се запазва чрез мълчанието и се увековечава…
Още(20000624) Recognition from The Grand East of the Netherlands (Grand Orient)
Още(20000618) Recognition from Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of North Dakota, USA . . Download the 2000 PROCEEDINGS of the GRAND LODGE of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of North Dakota, June 11, 2000 News related to the work between GL AF&AM in Bulgaria and The GL AF&AM of North…