Международна дейност

(20220925) Канада: ВЛ Манитоба: Новини

(20220925) Канада: ВЛ Манитоба: Новини

  Volume 28 | 2022         eNews   Visit our Website             That’s a good question ?   What is a CHAMBER OF REFLECTION” ? In the French and Scottish Rites, a small room adjoining the Lodge, in which, preparatory to initiation, the candidate is enclosed for the…


(20220925) ОВЛ Англия: Мачестър Левъл Клуб: Повдигане в степен Майстор – Септември 2022

(20220925) ОВЛ Англия: Мачестър Левъл Клуб: Повдигане в степен Майстор - Септември 2022

Hello and welcome to the September edition of the Third Rising from MLC where we have tried to capture some of the things that are happening within the club.   MLC Walk The Talk And Raise £6000! On Thursday 18th August, WBro Mark Davis APGM and MLC members Bro’s Thomas Daniel and Elliot Jervis set…


(20220919) Канада: ВЛ Манитоба: Новини

Volume 28 | 2022         eNews   Visit our Website             That’s a good question ?   What is Temperance” ? TEMPERANCE . One of the four cardinal virtues; the practice of which is inculcated in the First Degree. The Freemason who properly appreciates the secrets which…


(20220904) September President’s Club Letter

(20220904) September President's Club Letter

September 4, 2022 To Our President’s Club Member, Brother Dimiter Mandradjiev   Well…. it’s September…. time for some last-minute sun tanning, barbecues, and end of summer vacations.    I cannot believe how quickly this summer flew by, but the great news is our Masonic Bodies will start opening their doors and holding meetings.   Time once again…


(20220901) Канада: ВЛ на Канада в провинция Онтарио: Новини

(20220901) Канада: ВЛ на Канада в провинция Онтарио: Новини

View this email in your browser     Good morning Brethren.   Did you know ???   As we continue to cope with this COVID-19 pandemic and all its variants     with all Masonic meetings beginning to re-open in the Peterborough District,           this month’s Peterborough District’s electronic Beacon: Lighting the Way…


(20220831) САЩ: ВЛ Кентъки: СЛ Лексингтън: Масонско общество Рубикон: ВУ Бр Джон У. Близак, д-р., Островно масонство: Генезисът и запазването на масонското наследство

(20220831) САЩ: ВЛ Кентъки: СЛ Лексингтън: Масонско общество Рубикон: ВУ Бр Джон У. Близак, д-р., Островно масонство: Генезисът и запазването на масонското наследство

    Brethren and Friends,Please enjoy a reply of our most recent virtual Masonic education featuring Worshipful Brother John W. Bizzack, Ph.D., with an invigorating presentation and discussion of Island Freemasonry: The Genesis and Preservation of Masonic Heritage. To watch the replay, go here. ———- One of John’s best selling Masonic books, Island Freemasonry, can…


(20220830) ОВЛ Англия: Мачестър Левъл Клуб: Сесиите ни за обучение са отново налични

Our Learning Sessions Are Back… …for the 2nd in person session. That’s right folks, we’re back to hosting Face to Face Learning Sessions! Our second session will be a “Back to Lodge” special and will be taking place on the Saturday 3rd September 2022 at Hemsley House. The session will run from 10:30am to 12pm….


(20220819) ОВЛ Англия: Мачестър Левъл Клуб: Млади и нови масони + Септемврийски новини

  The BIG September Social With September around the corner, we want to share with you the all important details (to save you the mither) of the upcoming Young & New Masons September Social weekend, hosted by (our kid) Manchester Level Club. A full weekend is planned with a great blend of fun, Freemasonry and…


(20220813) ОВЛ Англия: Мачестър Левъл Клуб: Повдигане в степен Майстор – Август 2022

Hello and welcome to the August edition of the Third Rising from MLC where we have tried to capture all the things that are happening within the club.   Hadrian’s Wall 85 Mile Trek It’s just under one week until a group from MLC, together with our own APGM step off and embark on a…


(20220801) ОВЛ Англия: Мачестър Левъл Клуб: Лятно общуване

Summer Socials With the Summer in full flow, good weather and the dash to the airports in touching distance, we wanted to remind every one of our upcoming socials that are happening during the summer months. Each month we try to do something different. In July we all had a really good time at Teamsport…
