(20240823) UGLE: Manchester Level Club: C Third Rising – Summer Special

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(20240823) UGLE: Manchester Level Club: C Third Rising – Summer Special

Bringing junior Freemasons of Manchester & Salford together as friends, building a supportive network and the advancement of Masonic knowledge.

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Third Rising from The MLC, where we’ve tried to capture some of the things that are happening within the club. As we moved into a period of our lodge Summer recess things have quietened off but there’s still plenty to look forward to, as well as some great stuff we can look back on.

Enjoy the rest of your Summer and we’ll see you very soon!

Some dates for your diary are below and more items will be popping up through the Facebook and/or the WhatsApp group too:

Monday 16th September
– The Prestonian Lecture hosted by The Lodge of Silent Temple – further details below

Friday 20th September – MLC Online Zoom Learning Session – “Back to School/Lodge Special”

Sunday 29th September – Walk The Province – further details below

Friday 18th October – MLC Online Zoom Learning Session @ 8pm

Friday 15th November – MLC Online Zoom Learning Session @ 8pm

Saturday 16th November (10:30am) – MLC Face to Face Learning Session at Hemsley House,  41-42, Crescent, Salford M5 4PE

Saturday 30th November – Tie and Tinsel Dinner – further details below

Sunday 8th December – Carol Service, further details nearer the time

Friday 20th December – MLC Online Zoom Session “Holiday Special” @ 8pm
Friday 17th January 2025 – MLC Online Zoom Session @ 8pm
Saturday 18th January 2025 (10:30am) – MLC Face to Face Learning Session at Hemsley House,  41-42, Crescent, Salford M5 4PE
Friday 21st February 2025 – MLC Online Zoom Session @ 8pm

March 2025 – AGM Meeting (Date & Venue to be confirmed)

We’ve had a great time on the previous learning sessions and they have been very well received, looking at:

  • Working Tools of an Entered Apprentice Freemason,
  • a face-to-face practice session focusing on the Officers of the Lodge and the opening in the 1st degree,
  • and our most recent online session, on how we think, act, and behave as Freemasons in the world during Summer recess when there is less Lodge activity.

The online sessions are always recorded and we add them to the members area of the MLC Website so you can take a look if you missed them.

By popular demand we will be continuing them this year, after the Summer recess and into next year (2025). We have a list of ideas that have been put forward by the MLC Team and the membership but we wanted to give you the chance to put your ideas in here.

We run both Online (through Zoom) and Face to Face learing sessions and each of these give us all a great opportunity to learn from each other and, very often, the ever knowledgable W.Bro Philip Titterton.

Let us know if there’s a topic you think would be perfect for us to cover that you’d like to propose.

The Prestonian Lecture at Manchester Hall 2024

Join us for the Prestonian Lecture at Manchester Hall on September 16th! This prestigious event promises insightful discussions and thought-provoking ideas, and it is open to ALL MASONS.

The Prestonian Lecture is the only lecture given under the authority of the United Grand Lodge of England and is only given a minimal number of times. William Preston (1742-1818), regarded as the foremost Masonic educator of his time, left a legacy to provide for an Annual Lectureship.

Walk The Province

Sunday 29th September

As we all know September will also see our “Walk The Province” event on the 29th something we all need to start pushing now. I wonder how many of our brethren, family and friends we can encourage to take part. With five of our six areas committed to walking with us (brethren from Southern Area who cannot make their event are very welcome to join us). With just 30 people from each area we will have 150 walkers / stewards and supporters – just imagine if we are able to register 40 people per area, or even more – there isn’t a limit on the number of participants and remember – even if someone wants to walk just one mile it will be great to see them, the event is intended to be inclusive and not exclusive.

We are delighted to hear that both our PGM and Deputy PGM have already signed up, and we are sure they will both want to see as many of us taking part as possible.

In case you forgot – generous Joe Galvin has put his hand in his pocket once again to help us get this on the road (please pardon the pun!!) by donating another gallon of spirits. The area who registers the most walkers will win the spirits to use how they deem fit. There’s nothing like a bit of incentive – many thanks Joe your contributions and fundraising ideas are always appreciated.

202.6km Challenge For Festival 2026!

In support of the 2026 Festival, Dan Gaunt is running/hiking 202.6km across 17 events in 4 months. His route will end by running the “Walk The Province” route in September.

Dan has reached 81% of his £2,026 target – lets promote his efforts and help to get him over the line.

Provincial Grand Officers Lodge 3747

MLC Presentation Team

On September 24th 2024, a selection of speakers from MLC have the honour of giving a presentation of the 1st Degree Tracing Board at the Provincial Grand Officers Lodge No.3747.

The presentation team are in full swing preparing this presentation and we’re sure that they will do a ‘Grand’ job, giving the members and visitors of 3747 a memorable presentation on a very interesting area of Craft Freemasonry.

MLC have had and will continue to have opportunities to speak at a variety of events (see the PGM Q&A above) and we are always looking for members that want to get involved. So… If that’s you, then let a member of the MLC Leadership know via the WhatsApp community.

UGLE’s Solomon

As discussed on our Learning Sessions, Solomon is UGLE’s online, searchable repository of nuggets, papers, presentations, demonstrations, Q&As and quizzes to help aid your daily advancement in Masonic knowledge.

These can all be used for your personal study or shared in lodge, chapter, or a lodge or chapter of instruction.

Solomon is free and open for anyone to use. It can be accessed via any device.

Simply register, enrol on the relevant modules and then browse, search and download any material you need!

A great way to continue your Freemasonry and your daily advancement in Masonic Advancement through the Summer Recess.

Up For A Discount Code?

Here is the latest discount code for the 3 NCP carparks nearest to Manchester Masonic Centre on Bridge Street.

For those paying by cash or card at the payment machine the code is currently MASONS11. This applies in the following carparks.

NCP Spinningfields – New Quay Street, M3 3BE

NCP New Bailey MSCP – Irwell Street, M3 5EN

NCP Stanley Street – Stanley Street, M3 5EN