July 8, 2024
Fellow High Twelve President’s Club Member, Brother Dimiter Mandradjiev
We will be in Atlantic City, NJ this week celebrating our 103rd Annual Convention.
The Mayor of Atlantic City and the Right Worshipful Grand Master of New Jersey will be in attendance to honor us. In addition, there will be Round Table discussions, High Twelve business to complete, and of course, many fine meals to enjoy. Rumor has it the new High Twelve video that was filmed this past January may be ready as well.
If you have the opportunity, sign on to Zoom to watch is all come together. Information is posted on www.high12.org
This next week will be my last as your International President and I wish you all the best going forward. It has been an honor and extreme pleasure representing High Twelve these past 12 months. I hope I was able to provide value to your High Twelve Membership and wish all the upcoming elected officers much success going forward.
Always remember, High Twelve represents Family, Fellowship, and Future!
As always, I will end my thoughts with God Bless, Stay Safe, and Hug your Loved Ones!
Rick Santella
International President
High Twelve International
It’s not just a saying…. It IS High Twelve!!