(20240612) HTI Update June 12, 2024

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(20240612) HTI Update June 12, 2024



High Twelve International
June Update

June 12, 2024


This is to let you know that the deadline to register
for the 103rd Convention has been extended.

New deadline is June 14th

HTI 103rd Annual Convention

When: July 12, 2024 9:00 AM, EDT
Where: Tropicana Atlantic City, 2831 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, NJ 08401


High Twelve International, Inc.
103rd Annual Convention

July 12-14, 2024

Proxy & Activity Reports at Bottom

Tropicana Atlantic City

Room Rate – $119 Thursday (*Single/Double Occupancy)
 $249 Friday (*Single/Double Occupancy)
 $349 Saturday (*Single/Double Occupancy)
*See additional information below:
2831 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, NJ 08401
Reservations Can Be Made Now:
Online: Tropicana Casino Hotel Registration Link
Room Reservations – 888-516-2215 (8am-2am EST, 7 days a week)
Group name: High 12 103rd Annual Convention
Group code: STHGH4

***All callers will be asked for this code but can also book by saying ** High 12 **

If a Handicap Accessible Room is needed, please let the hotel know at registration.                                 

*Each additional person will be charged at a rate of $25.00 per person, per night with a maximum of four (4) persons per guestroom.

RESORT/AMENITY FEE – A daily resort fee of $27.99 per room, per night plus the current occupancy room tax will be charged in addition to the room rates set forth above. This fee includes:

• Coffeemakers in each room
• Basic in-room Wifi for two devices per day
• $5 credit per stay toward self-parking
• All local calls
• Fitness Center Access for two per day at each property; no lockers or shower access

Unless otherwise specified, the resort fee will be posted to the individual’s room account. Taxes are subject to change without notice. Rates are also subject to a Atlantic City Tourism Promotional Fee, currently $2.00, and a New Jersey State Occupancy Fee, currently $3.00, and Atlantic City Occupancy Surcharge, currently $2.00, per room, per night.

The current parking fee per stay is $15.00 for self-parking or $30.00 for valet parking for all overnight hotel guests, however is subject to change.

Use this convenient LINK to book your room directly with the hotel now!
Reservations must be made by Saturday June 1st, 2024
for the guaranteed rate.

After 6/1 if space is available will be at the current rate.

Transportation:  If flying in the closest airport to the hotel is Atlantic City Airport (ACY). Recommended transportation was Taxi, Uber or Lyft.

If flying into Philadelphia International (PHL) The cheapest recommended to get to AC is via train (SEPTA & Transfer to New Jersey Transit and then a free shuttle to the Tropicana) Below are the Schedules.

SEPTA Schedule (Airport line to 30th St. Sta)
New Jersey Transit Schedule (Atlantic City Line from 30th St Sta)
AC Jittney Train Shuttle (from AC Train Sta to Tropicana Via Route 1) **FREE**

Registration fee for the convention is FREE!!!

7/12 Fri:  
6-9am – Breakfast on your own.
9:00a – Necrology Services And General Session opens.
9:30a – Business Meeting Opens
12:00p – Grand Master’s Lunch (Open to all who purchased)
1:00p – General Sessions continues (ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION)
3:00p – Nominees Caucus (required for nominees and delegates)
4:00p – Dinner on your own.
8:00p – The Masonic Order of The Bath Degree
             Walk ups welcome (Must be a Master Mason in good standing)

7/13 Sat:
6-9a – Breakfast on your own.
8:30a – Credentials Opens
9:00a – General Sessions continues.
12:00p – Wolcott Foundation Lunch and General Membership Meeting.
1:00p – General Sessions continues (Election of Officers)
6:30p – President’s Dinner and Installation of 2024-25 Officers.

7/14 Sun:
6-9am – Breakfast on your own.
Departure day

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To make your registration easier for the Event – Tours – Meals ===> log into your account and your basic information is prefilled for you!  Just enter your email address into the upper right corner and your password, then go to the event and click on register.  If have never logged into your account or forgot your password click on the ‘forgot password’ link and follow the instructions in the email you will receive. There MUST be an email associated with your membership record for this process to work! Contact the international office to have an email.

Daily Breakfast – On your own.

Friday Men’s Lunch – THE BOARDWALKER BUFFET – $65.00 (ea)

Fresh Garden Salad, Italian Hoagies,  Make-Your-Own Phila. Cheese Steaks, All Beef Franks , Mini Pizzas, Wedge Cut Seasoned Fries, Ice Cream Novelties

Friday Evening – Dinner On Your Own –

The Tropicana Atlantic City offers a wide variety of dining options, from award-winning Chinese cuisine to tacos, pizza, fresh-pressed juices and more. In a hurry? Order your favorites for pick up and delivery. Or  hit one of the many other places in the area.

Saturday Wolcott Luncheon – (For Everyone) Price Includes Ceasar salad, entrée and dessert (deep dish apple crumb  w/ Carmel sauce). All Plated Luncheons include specialty rolls and butter, our chef’s selection of seasonal vegetable and potato or rice.

Parmesan-Cruster French Breast of Chicken Roasted Red Pepper Cream. $55.00 ea
Grilled Faroe Island Salmon (GF) Fresh Mango Salsa $60.00 ea
Penne Pasta Florentine Fresh Spinach & Mozzarella, Tomato Basil Sauce $49.00 ea

Saturday Night Presidents Banquet – Price includes House salad, entrée, and dessert (Tiramisu). All Plated Dinners include specialty rolls and butter, our chef’s selection of seasonal vegetable and potato/rice.

Filet Of Beef Cipollini Onions, Barolo Demi-Glace $107.00 ea
Chicken Vincenzo Baby Spinach, Tomato, Mushroom, Fontina Cheese, Sweet Sherry Demi-Glace $  83.00 ea
Wild Pacific White Shrimp Roasted Tomato Scampi Sauce $91.00 ea

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All Meetings and Meals (unless noted above) will be at the Hotel

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
All Convention Delegate/Proxy Forms

  • Association President Delegate/Proxy FORM
  • Club Combined High Twelve and Wolcott Foundation Proxy FORM
  • Club Masonic Representative Credential FORM
  • Past International Officer Credential FORM
  • Current High Twelve International Officer Credential FORM

Activity Report – Due to International Office 6/15/24
PDF version of FORM
WORD DOC version of FORM
For Association President’s, International Officer’s & Committee Chairmen

International President – Rick Santella

Fellow High Twelvians,


Our International Secretary, Thomas Brotherton III and I visited the Tropicana this past Sunday to solidify some preparations for the July Annual Convention.  We met with the Banquet Manager Megan as well. Let me give you a brief layout of this venue.

You will drive up to the signs that say Havana Towers and/or Quarter Parking.  After self-parking or valet parking, you enter the doors right there.  Upon entering, walk to the balcony railing.  To the left are the escalators that will take you up one floor to our meeting rooms, Bongo 1 and Bongo 2.   About 10-15 yards across the railing is the check- in desk and elevators that will take you to your hotel room.  I was happy to see them so close together.

All rooms in the Havana Towers have been renovated and we are told by many who have stayed there for other Masonic Functions and personal vacations that they are all top notch and very spacious and comfortable.

Ok…walk to the balcony railing, look down, and there are dozens of restaurants offering many different cuisines, and retails stores including some high end for your shopping pleasure.   This is important because you can have fun regardless of what the outside weather may be.

Speaking of the weather, the beach and boardwalk are literally right outside the hotel for you and your family or guests to enjoy.  If you haven’t visited the boardwalks, you are in for a treat.  Dozens and dozens of shops, places to eat and arcades!

The Tropicana serves as the Premier Destination for Entertainment and Relaxation in New Jersey.   Don’t forget, FREE REGISTRATION, free beaches, no additional Tour fees, since everything is located right there in “America’s Playground”.  Enjoy dinner on your own Friday night so you can experience iconic boardwalk fare like pizza, burgers, steak sandwiches, fudge and salt water taffy, pork roll sandwich and frozen custard.

More you say.   Why yes…. there IS more…

Have lunch with the GM of NJ, Chartering of a new NJ Club, Order of the Bath Round Table Session, World Premier of our new High Twelve video.

Deadline extended, Atlantic City WILL sell out, so don’t miss out!

More to come!

God Bless, Stay Safe, and Hug your Loved ones!
Rick Santella
High Twelve International
Family, Fellowship, Future…it’s not just a saying…it IS High Twelve!



Fellow High Twelvians,

I’ve always believed the success of any business, organization, or venture depended upon the dedication of its officers, leaders and those authorized to act.

As we plan on the direction taken for the continued strength of our High Twelve Family, don’t forget, it’s always the little things that matter most!

This past year, as President of High Twelve International, I have felt time and again the most satisfaction was obtained when shaking a hand, communicating with a member either individually or as a group, responding to a monthly report, speaking with a High Twelvian on the phone, or sending an email.

For our Club Officers, always remember that each member is vital to your success Remember to communicate with them regularly. Their opinions will bring some valuable ideas for your Club to continue its vitality.

State Officers should be engaged with their Clubs and members and working together to create harmony and a unified approach.  The most successful State Associations display this on a consistent basis.

I have asked this of your International Officers this past year, and thru our communication efforts, I do believe we have shared more Fellowship and Unification with the direction of High Twelve’s future.

I will host another Round Table discussion at the Annual Convention in July.  This will be another opportunity to get to the “heart “of what is working within our Clubs, and what needs to be addressed.  I anticipate strong opinions and valuable ideas crossed between us.   This is important as we will address all the little things that are important.

In my opinion, it is not the title you hold, but the value you bring to your members. Remember this as you progress in our beloved High Twelve and Fraternity!

Enjoy the beginnings of summer, Happy Father’s Day to all those honored to be called Dad, God Bless, Stay Safe and Hug your loved ones!

Rick Santella, President
High Twelve International


International 2nd VP – Jared R. Kichline

As we go into June we prepare for the annual meeting of High Twelve International at Atlantic City. Our home clubs and Associations welcome our new leaders or those officers staying in office are planning their next term. Please know that your international officers are here to help and want nothing more than to see your organization succeed. Please feel free to reach out to us with your questions or success. We always encourage you to brag about your clubs and associations. Remember first and foremost associations are a place to come together and share ideas laying groundwork for new ideas and experiences. No one knows better what you are working on than a fellow Club President or Club officers. Making enthusiastic and energetic High Twelve Masons is something every club can do, and it’s amazing how a new member can rejuvenate a member who has not been to a meeting in a while. Sharing a fraternal hour with fellow Masons is a social activity that allows leaves me looking back fondly on the experience. 

Jared R. Kichline, 2nd VP
High Twelve International Inc.


Conrad Dombkiewicz – 3rd Vice President / Parliamentarian

A Success Story.

This story begins on a fall afternoon in Atlantic City.  President Rick Santella and myself were manning an informational table at the Grand Lodge of New Jersey.  Many brothers stopped by to hear about High Twelve.  One brother stopped and said, “I was a member until my club closed, then I joined the Presidents Club.  We encouraged the brother to re-open his club if there was interest.  The rest is history, Ira Drucks went to work.  There was an informational meeting held on March 9th, and the brothers went to work.  They were able to get FOURTY Charter members for their club.  They re- opened Club # 137 with the new name North Jersey High Twelve Club.  By the way, Brother Drucks was the club president when they surrendered their charter, he is the current Secretary / Treasurer.  The club was chartered and officers installed on May 8th by Jared Kichline, 2nd Vice President with Benjamin Castellamare, as the installing Marshall. 

North Jersey is back on the map with a new active club.  We are not done yet, another club is completing paperwork and scheduled to receive their Charter at the 103rd Convention.  Stay tuned…more to come.



The Coffee Plus Fundraiser Continues Until 6/30/24


International Secretary – Thomas J. Brotherton, lll
Interested in running for an elective office in HTI? Members interested in running for elective can only be made from the floor of the convention as the 4/1/24 deadline has passed, on the appropriate form from the secretary and supported by 10 delegates at the convention.1. Office intending to run for (President, 1st VP, 2nd VP, 3rd VP, Treasurer, Secretary, & 3 Year Endowment Fund Trustee)
2. A letter of support from your Association, if one exists.
3. A letter of support from your club(s)
4. Your statement “if elected I will serve”
5. A resume showing your qualifications

Applications received after April 1, 2024 at 11:59pm EST will be accepted late, BUT will require a Nomination from the Floor Form at the 103rd Convention!


The 4 proposed amendments summarized below, were presented, and only 3 approved to move forward to the 103rd Annual Convention for a final vote. The one struck out was voted not to be moved to the 103rd Annual Convention.

Proposed Amendment #1 – Adding – Honors of the Association adding “The Title of Past State Association President may be attained by either: a) serving one year as State Association President or, b) serving 5 continuous years as State Association Secretary or Treasurer. Was voted down as the topic during the general discussion it was unclear if the Honors given would entitle an Association Treasurer/Secretary who served 5 or more years would hold the title of Past State President or would only receive the privileges of a Past State President. The Board felt clarification is needed and should be brought back at the next BOG Meeting in 2025.

Proposed Amendment #2 – International Endowment Fund to remove the International Treasurer from the process of investment decision in its entirety. Was approved to be moved to the 103rd Annual Convention to be voted on by the membership.

Proposed Amendment #3 – Removing Proxies from the voting process and only those eligible to vote, must be present to vote. And voting will be conducted via a roll call vote. Was approved to be moved to the 103rd Annual Convention to be voted on by the membership.

Proposed Amendment #4 – The voting membership shall consist of one vote per registered member in attendance with no credential needed except for the Club Delegate. Any other registered member in attendance may vote as a “Member-At-Large” but must provide a current HTI Provided Dues Card. Also HTI will contract with a online voting provider to conduct All voting via any smart device this Eliminating paper ballots in its entirety. All meetings will be broadcast via Zoom on online meeting provider. Was approved to be moved to the 103rd Annual Convention to be voted on by the membership.

I hope you found this informative and will give you and your club a better insight into how your High Twelve is being run. The International Officers and myself hope to see and meet all of you in Atlantic City, NJ, at the 103rd Annual Convention.

Faithfully Submitted,
Thomas J. Brotherton III, International Secretary

This and That….Kevin L. Hokerk-Robinson, Treasurer

Secretaries – The 2024-2025 Per-Capita statements were mailed on 4/30/24 with a self addressed envelope enclosed. Statements were due UPON RECEIPT per HTI Bylaws.This should be in your current year passed budget so no special meeting or approval is needed!

As of 6/10/24:
            57 clubs have mailed in their payments = $15,790 – thanks!
            69 clubs haven’t mailed their payments = $19,645

HTI Podcast is available on the Homepage or HERE. Please view it and the Executive Board would like your comments! (secretary@high12.org).

2024 Address Label Fundraiser – if you have not sent in your donation, please consider doing so.  Whether you use them or not this is still a major fundraiser and any amount helps!

2025 Pocket Planner Fundraiser – the new Executive Board that will be elected July 13th will determine if there is any interest in continuing the annual Pocket Planner, weekly version or monthly. Last year there were only 100 ordered by those members who want a paper calendar.

Club High Twelve 3″ Round Name Badges are now available.  Cost is $3.75 for a single badge including postage.  To order for all members the secretary needs to provide a name list (one can be provided), nick names are okay and ladies names are okay too.  Cost is $2.00 each plus postage. Order through the merchandise page.

Don’t forget our fundraiser with
Rada Cultery!
We receive 40% of each order made.
Follow this LINK for the offer
Current RADA Catalog
Prices Valid Thru 7/31-24
Click HERE to view!
From the HTI Home Page
Villages High Twelve Club #674 – FL


Our next meeting was Wednesday, 5 June 2024, 11:00 AM, Cottage Inn Restaurant on US 441/27 in Lady Lake.  We expect our speaker to be Officer Roni Wood of Sumter County Sheriff’s Office speaking on public safety and scams.  (She also participated with Villages Masonic Lodge in our Bike For Books program and, on behalf of county sheriff’s offices, gave away and fitted helmets to accompany the bicycles that were given away to the elementary school at Lady Lake and the elementary and intermediate schools in Wildwood.)

Note, also, the minutes contain a copy of the flyer that announces Villages High Twelve’s 4th Annual Picnic at Gardenia Park in Fruitland Park, at 11:00 AM Saturday, 14 September 2024.  Please mark your calendars now and plan to be there.  Family and friends and neighbors are all invited and welcome.  There is no cost to you, just your time and participation.  RSVPs will be requested only to ensure we plan for a sufficient amount of food.

Lastly, I would like to point out that the minutes include a statement of my resignation from the position of Florida State Wolcott Foundation Trustee-Representative.  I made this decision with considerable thought and with heavy heart.  In no way should my decision affect yours regarding contributions to and support of the Wolcott Foundation, but I will explain my decision during Wednesday’s meeting.

I look forward to seeing all of you at Wednesday’s meeting.  I wish everyone well and, as always, if you are in need, please do not hesitate to contact me.

David Windmiller, Secretary
352-753-9836 (home/landline)
703-965-9432 (mobile/text)

Montebello High Twelve Club #422 – CA


From Montebello High: Allyson Aquirre; Schurr: Jiaking Chen; and Vail: Leslie Berrelleza* and Arturo Cabral*, were recipients of the Masonic Lodge #323 $1,000 scholarships to the college of their choice. Additionally, from Montebello High: Noemi Ceja received their Robert J. Paquette Trade School Scholarship.

These students and members of their family, who could, attended a dinner in their honor. This took place at the Tree Great Lights Masonic Lodge #323 (formerly in Montebello).

Each student brought, before the assembled guests, a summary of what their school years were about and their plans for a major, hoping to make a difference in society. Students from California, La Serna, Whittier, and El Rancho High schools were likewise honored. (see picture of all students, their certificates, and two of them from Vail*)

Don Travis, Secretary

East Valley High Twelve Club #765 – AZ
Club members joined the local Chandler VFW Post #9399 and the Chandler York Rite Commandary for the 2024 Memorial Day Wreath Laying Ceremony.Submitted by Lee Stith, PP
Gerhardt Obrikat, President (l) and Lee Stith, PP (r)
Sun City West High Twelve Club #567 – AZ

Sun City West High 12 Club President Don Winscott has been busy visiting several local youth groups to present donations from the High 12 Club.  The donations are from the proceeds realized from the Club’s Annual Pancake Breakfast held this past February.

In the photo of his visit to Bethel No 22, IOJD, which meets in the Sun City Masonic Center, Don Winscott is shown presenting the donation to several members of the Bethel. 

For the presentation to the local Rainbow Assembly, IORG, Don Winscott is shown in the Glendale Masonic Center with the Assembly Mother Advisor and several members of the Assembly.

Valley of the Sun DeMolay Chapter meets at the Sun City Masonic Center and the photo of the donation presentation shows Don Winscott with the Chapter Dad Advisor as well as several Chapter members.

In addition to donation presentations, Sun City West High 12 Club continues to work on including local Masonic Widows in Club events.  The Club’s efforts have assisted local Masonic Lodges in maintaining contact with the Masonic Widows living in the West Valley area.

During the months of May through September, the Club suspends the meetings in the morning and meets for lunch at a local restaurant, each month featuring a different restaurant.  There were 16 people in attendance for the May Luncheon.

Conejo Valley High Twelve #634 – CA

Worshipful Roy Balfour PM of Conejo Valley Ldge #807, Thousand Oaks, CA. and a member of CV634

Was our May guest speaker.  He talked about his career at Princess Cruises, working on repairs and replacements for Princess ships in drydocks all over the world.

The club may be getting a new member from a Master Mason at CV807 who is interested in joining,  Our last new member was last year, so hope to keep the membership drive continuing.

Submitted by:
Jerry Michaelson,Secy/Treas

Michigan Association of
Masonic High Twelve Clubs Officers
Hold Informational Display at Michigan Grand Lodge
Brother Kenneth Simons, President of the Michigan State Association of Masonic High Twelve Clubs,  along with several Association Officers displayed information on forming a High Twelve Club at the recent Michigan Grand Lodge Session.Grand Master and Furniture City High Twelve Club #236 of Grand Rapids, Most Worshipful Brother Larry Judson joined discussions, encouraging delegates to investigate forming a High Twelve Club in their community and enjoying fraternal time with their brothers and significant others.

Many delegates stopped by and received information about High Twelve and the State Officers are now following up with those who left information for further contact.

Submitted by,
Michael Clark, Chairman
Wolcott Foundation, Inc.

Wolcott Foundation – Michael Clark, Chairman

Brother High Twelvians:

The following documents were developed to assist you when promoting
The Wolcott Foundation at your association, club or other
Masonic Body presentations.

  1. Wolcott Representative Letter
  2. 2024 Revised talking points
  3. Club contribution report
  4. George Washington University continues the Masonic tradition
  5. Wolcott Foundation brochure
  6. Wolcott Foundation Class of Fall 2023 – 2025

Documents links can be found below to view and print.

Michael Clark, Chairman
The Wolcott Foundation, Inc.

OH Association of High Twelve Clubs
We had an initial startup meeting at a local brewery and discussed what was needed to start a new club. The new club will meet on the weekend is being set up to accommodate younger members who are still working. We had a decent showing and interest from up to around 14 Mason who may join. Our next meeting will be in August where we will get a hard count of those turning in petitions and setting up dates and places where we’re going to meet on an ongoing basis. We will also be completing all of the initial paperwork to form the new club. Plans are being discussed to start two other similar clubs around Ohio again to accommodate those who are still working.Jeff Shaw, President
Ohio Association of High Twelve Clubs
Any club in need of a schoolhouse? Please let Conrad Dombkiewicz, Parliamentarian, know at cwdombkiewicz@verizon.net
Mt. Laurel High Twelve #770 – NJ

We are Excited! in Mt. Laurel. At the May meeting, we initiated another member, so far four new members this year.  We also presented our ladies with High Twelve Name Tags, made by International.  They were excited to get them and they felt more a part of the group. 

Ending the meeting was the “Flower Talk” presented by Zanthis Hunter, New Jersey’s State Junior Councilor.  The presentation was perfect and well received and enjoyed by all.

By the way, another brother petitioned for membership.  I guess another initiation next month.  High Twelve is growing in Mt. Laurel and New Jersey.

Conrad Dombkiewicz, Secretary

Cochise High Twelve Club #703 – AZ
Hello, All High Twelvians.The June 14 meeting will again be held at the Manda Le restaurant, and food ordered at 4:30. 

Sick Call – please remember the following brothers and ladies in your prayers. WB Art Montgomery, Dave Santor, Ladies – Charlotte Driggers, Joan Lopshire, Margo, Marsha Thomas.

The honored Ladies dinner goes to Lady Karrol. Our 1st VP Rayna has lined up a good program, we’ll have our usual drawings plus  one special drawing and we’ll pass the schoolhouse.

Hope to see everyone at the HI-12 meeting on June 14, 2024.

Kenn Barrett, President
Andrew Anderson, Secretary
(520) 234-3225

Freeport High Twelve Club #43 – IL
Freeport High Twelve #43 is well situated in our new meeting place in the hotel in downtown Freeport.  Our attendance to meetings has been down, but hopefully will pick up soon.  The good news is we have obtained a new member, John Heller, whose picture is included.  My fear is we may lose some members as we are now collecting dues for the next 2 years.But remember — “Things turn out best for people who make the best of how things turn out.”

Roger Carson, Secretary

Pictured is new member, John Heller, on the left and recruiter Myles Fairless on the right.

Book Review Submission

From: Steven Klein <