(20231204) December President’s Club Letter

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(20231204) December President’s Club Letter

December 4, 2023

To our President’s Club Member, Brother Dimiter Mandradjiev

My father celebrated his 92nd birthday this past October.  He is dealing with some physical issues and cannot get around as much as he would like.

I tell you this because the other day I was visiting him, I usually bring him some of his favorite snacks and we get to sit together and just talk about life, current events, etc.

Of course, we always talk of High Twelve and what is happening currently within our Clubs.  As a member, he would accompany me, and we would share time together with our Masonic brothers and friends.   When available, our wives would accompany us.  He loved this!

During this last get together, he says to me, “I really miss sitting with my brothers and just “being”.  
Without knowing it, my father summed up a lot of what High Twelve is all about…. just “being” with other Masons and family!

I love High Twelve!
I am honored to be a part of the High Twelve Family.
I look forward to sitting with my fellow Brethren at our Club Meetings and sharing ideas, family stories, Masonic activities of interest, and knowing we are helping to create a pathway for our youth and future leaders!
As my father says, just “being” among our brethren!

As always, I urge you, our President’s Club members, if you haven’t had the opportunity to attend a High Twelve meeting, please make every effort to do so.  I am betting it won’t be your last time!

This holiday season, I wish you and all your loved ones the best of life, love, health, happiness and prosperity!

God Bless, safe travels and hug your loved ones!

Rick Santella
High Twelve International