(20210601) High12 Newsletter June 2021

President’s Farewell Message to Members
Dear High Twelvian,
As your retiring president, my first message to you is my heartfelt thanks for your continued membership in the Donegal Area High Twelve Club 686. In spite of luncheon plans that were not realized, we can still recall with fondness the happy bonds that we did enjoy together on the phone and zoom.
- I would also encourage you to join me in offering thanks and appreciation for the leadership of our secretary Bill Pearson, and our treasurer Terry DiGruttolo.
- Special thanks goes to Fred Kaylor for preparing our new monthly newsletter, Jerry Kemmerer for making Happy Birthday calls, our Chaplin Wat Cook for leading us in prayer, and to members who have volunteered to make monthly membership calls.
- Thank you to our retiring Sargent at Arms, Tom Host for his may years of service.
- Thank you to all of our past presidents and officers.
- Thanks goes out to those who have agreed to serve as officers in 2021-22.
- I know that gratitude is mutually shared for our gifts in 2020-21 to local chapters of Rainbow Girls, DeMolay, Jobs Daughters and to the Wolcott Foundation Scholarship Fund.
We will miss those members which we have lost to death during the past year.
Finally, please join me in welcoming our incoming President, Bro. Gary Davis.
Bro. David R. Whitenack,
Retiring President Donegal Area High Twelve Club #686
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