(20210223) USA: GL Kentucky: CL Lexington: Rubicon Masonic Society: “Freemasonry’s Future”

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(20210223) USA: GL Kentucky: CL Lexington: Rubicon Masonic Society: “Freemasonry’s Future”
Dear Brothers and Friends,
Thank you to all who attended our Virtual Masonic Education on Monday evening.  The presenter in this Episode is Right Worshipful Brother Thomas W. Jackson, author of the book “North American Freemasonry: Idealism and Realism
Click here to view the replay

To be notified of future videos, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

The Rubicon Masonic Society, William O. Ware Lodge of Research, and Lexington Lodge No. 1 in Kentucky will be coordinating and conducting the virtual Masonic education for 2021. 

Our virtual education will be held on the 4th Monday of every month promptly at 7 pm EST.

DATE OF NEXT EDUCATION: Monday, March 22nd at 7 pm EST.
PRESENTATION TOPIC: Thoughts of an Accidental Book Publisher
PRESENTER: S. Brent Morris – Author of “The Complete Idiots Guide to Freemasonry
RSVP HERE: https://rubiconmasonicsociety.com/rsvp/

Rubicon Masonic Society, William O. Ware Lodge of Research, and Lexington Lodge No. 1 are committed to offering a quality experience to all who attend our virtual meetings. 

If you have questions or problems please send an email to info@rubiconmasonicsociety.com

Fraternal Regards To All,

Brian T. Evans Jr., PM
Rubicon Masonic Society