(20220403) Canada: GL Manitoba: News

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(20220403) Canada: GL Manitoba: News
Volume 10 | 2022






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That’s a good question ?


Why is “Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth” so important to Freemasonry?
These three virtues are the foundations upon which Freemasonry is built.


Brotherly Love is directed towards all mankind and especially to other Masons.


Relief, in that every Mason is obligated to relieve the suffering of any Master Mason they encounter who is in dire need, and if in their power to do so, to the best of their ability, Also to act charitably towards society, giving of themselves to better the common good. 


Truth, which is represented by the Divine in its multiplicity and diversity, as understood by all men. 


These three ideas represent the core upon which Freemasonry focuses in its ultimate distillation, in that Freemasonry does not hold one faith above another, but rather, it sees faith itself as the common denominator between all faiths. 

~ MasonicFind.




As Masons we should be known as men to whom hypocrisy and deceit are unknown, who deal honestly and fairly with all men, who promote each other’s welfare, and who are happy rather than jealous of each other’s prosperity.









Click here to visit the Masonic Foundation of MB website






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Famous Freemason


Jacob Harold Gallinger was a Canadian-born American politician born on March 28th, 1837 in Cornwall, Ontario, Canada. He moved to the United States at a young age. His first job was as a printer before he went on to study medicine at the Cincinnati Eclectic Medical Institute where he graduated from in 1858. After graduation he studied two years abroad before he began his practice in homeopathic medicine and surgery in Concord, New Hampshire.


Gallinger was a member of the American Institute of Homeopathy from 1868 until 1880. He was also a member of a variety of other state and national medical societies. Throughout his political career he was a strong advocate of the homeopathic school of thought. He also contributed to various medical journals on the subject of homeopathic medicine.


In 1872, Gallinger was elected to the New Hampshire House of Representatives serving just one term. In 1876 he was a member of the state’s constitutional convention. In 1878 he was elected to the New Hampshire state Senate where he served until 1880. During his time in the state Senate he served a one year term as the states Surgeon General from 1879 until 1880.


In 1885, Gallinger was elected to the United States House of Representatives. There he served two terms from 1885 until 1889. He declined reelection in 1888. After he returned to the New Hampshire House of Representatives before he was elected by state legislature to the Untied States Senate. He was elected three more times the passage of the 17th Amendment which established the popular election of United States Senators in 1913. In 1914 he was elected to a final term by the people of New Hampshire.


During his time in the United States Senate, Gallinger served as President Pro Tempore of the Senate during the Sixty-second Congress, which was the same congress which proposed the 17th Amendment. He was also a member of the National Forest Reservation Commission established by the Weeks Act, which he sponsored in the Senate.


Gallinger passed away August 17th, 1918 while he was still serving in the United States Senate. Bro. Gallinger was a member of Eureka Lodge No. 70 in Concord, New Hampshire.


Source: MasonryToday







Did You Know…


Dutch Masons have a very wonderful saying in their initiation ceremony of an Entered Apprentice.


The phrase “Op U komt het aan” is spoken at a very special moment and means (more or less) ‘It is up to you’.


It is then up to YOU as an EA, FC or a MM to begin building yourself; to begin contributing to your World, your Society and to your Craft.

 It is up to YOU to seek and to knock; but also to answer and open the door when others need you.


We must never forget that the strength of the chain is in the weakest link; and we must therefore be reminded to not become complacent in our endeavours to continuously build and strive for that perfect ashlar.




















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Articles published in this newsletter are not necessarily the opinion of the Grand Lodge of Manitoba or any of its officers or members, but are solely those of the writer…

Freemasonry is the world’s oldest and largest fraternity. It is comprised of adult men (18+) of good character from every country, religion, race, age, income, education, and opinion. Its body of knowledge and system of ethics is based on the belief that each man has a responsibility to improve himself while being devoted to his family, his faith, his country, and his fraternity.


Submissions welcome, please submit your Lodge events, photos, & etc.

to the email address provided below. 

 Grand Lodge of Manitoba |  204.453.7410 | reception@grandlodge.mb.ca
