(20220801) UGLE: Manchester Level Club: Summer Socials

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(20220801) UGLE: Manchester Level Club: Summer Socials

Summer Socials

With the Summer in full flow, good weather and the dash to the airports in touching distance, we wanted to remind every one of our upcoming socials that are happening during the summer months.

Each month we try to do something different. In July we all had a really good time at Teamsport Go-Karting and it was great for our members to meet each other again and many for the first time.

Don’t forget that our socials are not a closed group, so feel free to share amongst your friends and why not encourage them to come along too.

Ready to find out more? Then we’ve set out the next two socials below.


Swinging Into Our August Social

The next social event will be on Saturday August 13th @ 2pm and we’ll be heading to JUNKYARD GOLF!

Junkyard Golf is on First Street, right around the corner from HOME. If you love things loud and flashy, you’ll love Junkyard Golf! It’s essentially crazy golf on steroids! We start playing at 2pm but a few of us will be there early to get some drinks in and maybe grab a bite to eat before the fun begins!

It is £10 to play the course and once again we have limited spaces so to avoid disappointment click on the link below to register with details of how to pay!!

Register Here

Hadrian’s Wall 4 Night Festival Challenge

During August a brave group will be attempting to walk the the Hadrian’s Wall path – going coast to coast, unsupported and lugging their own food, camping and cooking gear.

85 Miles over 4 nights, close to marathon distances each day and all in aid of the 2026 MCF Festival. One of the walkers is our very own club Secretary Tom Daniel, who knows first hand the great work MCF does having been a beneficiary in the past. Tom will be pushed on with the fellow walkers Elliott Jervis & our APGM Mark Davis to name a few.

If you can spare any sponsorship, the group would feel encouraged and thankful. Their Justgiving link is below.

Sponsor the team

Installation of the Pro Grand Master

At the next Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge being held on 14th September 2022, the Pro Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master and Assistant Grand Master designates will be Installed.

Uniquely, all Brethren from Master Masons onwards, are eligible to attend. With a proportion of the tickets will be specifically reserved for Master Masons through to Past Masters (ie those who wear ‘light blue’ regalia).

The majority of successful applicants will be allocated seats in the Grand Temple of Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street where they must be seated at 11:45am.

The Meeting will be followed by lunch at the Grand Connaught Rooms at a cost of approximately £70, and which is expected to finish around 3.00 pm

You should only apply if you have a committed wish to attend. It is expected that all Brethren who are successfully allocated a place, will attend and applications should be received no later than Thursday 4th August at 5pm via the email link below.

Apply here

A BIG Weekend In September

Our September Social is open! We’re very excited to announce that we’ve teamed up with our friends from the Young & New Masons Social, to bring you our September event.

We have a packed weekend planned, including a visit to Lodge of Friendship 44 with Festive Board, in person Masonic learning session, bowling, food & fun at Lane7 & a ‘cultural’ bar tour around the city!

To sign up, please fill out the form below. We will be in touch shortly to gather payment from you, but we will do the rest.

Register Here