(20201127) 103 years since the founding of the first Grand Lodge on the territory of Bulgaria

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(20201127) 103 years since the founding of the first Grand Lodge on the territory of Bulgaria

Today marks 103 years since the founding of the first Grand Lodge on the territory of Bulgaria, when the establishment of the independent Grand Symbolic Lodge of Bulgaria based in Sofia was proclaimed, and General Alexander Protogerov was elected the first Grand Master of the Bulgarian Freemasons.

This became possible after June 9, 1917 when Lodge “Zarya” announced its intention to grow into an independent national Grand Lodge of Bulgaria, and for this purpose sought the assistance of the International Bureau of Masonic Relations in Switzerland. In the autumn of the same year Zarya Lodge gave birth to two new lodges – Zora and Svetlina, and a little later the establishment of an independent and regular Grand Symbolic Lodge of Bulgaria, consisting of lodges Zarya, Svetlina and Zora was announced. Its installation was carried out by the Grand Lodge of France. For MW GM was installed Bro. Alexander Protogerov.