(20201002-04) International Freemasonic Conference (+GAL)

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(20201002-04) International Freemasonic Conference (+GAL)

In October 02-04, 2020, at the Holiday Inn Hotel in Sofia city, the 2020 edition of the International Freemasonic Conference was held, organized by the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in Bulgaria. The conference was attended by many Brothers and non-Masons and members of the following Freemasonic entities took part: The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in Bulgaria, The Grand Lodge of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, The United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria, The Grand Lodge of Bulgaria, The Supreme Council, 33 AASR in Bulgaria. We had international guests and greetings received from around the world.

Tourist visit to the Freemasonic halls and temples in Sofia, Plovdiv, Kozlodui and Haskovo were also conducted.