(20200630) Participation in the work of Chouf Lodge #6, Grand Lodge of the F & A M of Lebanon

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(20200630) Participation in the work of Chouf Lodge #6, Grand Lodge of the F & A M of Lebanon

The MW IPGM Bro. Plamen Mateev and RW GSIR Bro. Dimiter Mandradjiev participated in the vitual meeting of the Chouf Lodge #6,  Grand Lodge of the F & A M of Lebanon. The meeting had an educational purpose on the topic of York Rite and Royal Arch Freemasonry. It was attended also by Brothers from the GLs of New York, South Africa, Mexico, Brazil, Arjentina and others. The topic was presented and discussed by the General Grand High Priest International Bro. Edmund Harrison. The MW Bro. Plamen Mateev made a statement and received an invitation from Bro. Edmund for a meeting in order to talk over the details for possible cooperation.