(20190619-22) ВGL AF&AM of Bulgaria at ritual work and Annual Communication of GL of British Columbia and Yukon, Canada (+GAL)

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(20190619-22) ВGL AF&AM of Bulgaria at ritual work and Annual Communication of GL of British Columbia and Yukon, Canada (+GAL)

A delegation of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in Bulgaria led by the MW Grand Master Bro. Plamen Mateev and RW Secretary for international relations and public affairs Bro. Dimiter Mandradjiev, PGS, took part at the 2 day ritual work of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of British Columbia and Yukon, Canada. The Annual Communication was held in the city of Vancouver and was at MASTER DEGREE. Elections were successfully carried for new Grand Master of the GL AF&AM of BC&Y: MW Bro. Douglas Franklin and for Grand Lodge Officers. Apart from the GL AF&AM of Bulgaria delegates there were also delegates on behalf of:

  • Grand Lodge of Bulgaria
  • Grand Lodge of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Bulgaria
  • Grand Lodge of Alaska
  • Grand Lodge of Washington
  • Grand Lodge of California
  • Grand Lodge of Ontario
  • Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan

The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Bulgaria together with the Grand Lodge of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Bulgaria as well as the Grand Lodge of Bulgaria were voted to be officially recognized as regular Grand Lodges by the GL of British Columbia and Yukon. Not only that, but the union National United Grand Lodges of Bulgaria was also granted a recognition.

The MW Grand Master Bro. Plamen Mateev was issued with the high honor to speak to all gathered brothers from the hosting Grand Lodge and all delegates – due to the regulations for no camera shooting and taking photos on behalf of Brother during the assembly we cannot show this moment to you.

News related to the work between GL AF&AM in Bulgaria and The GL F&AM of British Columbia and Yukon, Canada: