(20190207) GL AF&AM of Bulgaria at ritual work and Annual Communication of GL of Alaska, USA (+GAL) (+VID)

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(20190207) GL AF&AM of Bulgaria at ritual work and Annual Communication of GL of Alaska, USA (+GAL)  (+VID)

A delegation of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in Bulgaria led by the MW Grand Master Bro. Plamen Mateev and RW Secretary for international relations and public affairs Bro. Dimiter Mandradjiev, PGS, took part at the 2 day ritual work of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alaska, USA. The Annual Communication was held in the city of Fairbanks, Alaska and was at MASTER DEGREE. Elections were successfully carried for new Grand Master of the GL F&AM of Alaska: MW Bro. John May and for Grand Lodge Officers. Apart from the GL AF&AM of Bulgaria delegates there were also delegates on behalf of:

  • Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Alaska
  • Grand Lodge of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Bulgaria
  • Grand Lodge of Oregon
  • Grand Lodge of Washington
  • Grand Lodge of Pennsylavania 
  • Grand Lodge of California
  • Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon
  • Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan
  • Grand Lodge of Ohio
  • Grand Lodge of Idaho
  • Grand Lodge of Montana
  • Grand Lodge of Nevada

The MW Grand Master Bro. Plamen Mateev was issued with the high honor to speak to all gathered brothers from the hosting Grand Lodge and all delegates. Here you can watch and here his speech (English language).


MW GM Bro. Plamen Mateev speaks to the Grand Lodge of Alaska during ritual work.

MW GM Bro. Plamen Mateev with the newly installed Grand Master of the GL of Alaska, MW Bro. John May

RW Secretary for international relations and public affairs Bro. Dimiter Mandradjiev, PGS, with MW Grand Master of the GL of Alaska, MW Bro. Keith Herve

MW GM Bro. Plamen Mateev hands a present to the newly installed Grand Master of the GL of Alaska, MW Bro. John May. The present symobilzes the 300 years of organized Freemasonry by the Mother Grand Lodge of organized freemasonry.

Lef to right: MW GM Bro. John May, (GM 2019-2020 of GL of Alaska), MW GM Bro. Plamen Mateev (GL AF&AM of Bulgaria), MW GM Bro. Keith Herve (GM 2018-2019 of GL of Alaska)

MW GM Bro. Plamen Mateev speaks to the Grand Lodge of Alaska during ritual work.