(20180928-29) International Freemasonic Conference (+GAL)

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(20180928-29) International Freemasonic Conference (+GAL)

On September 28-29, 2018 at the headquarters of the Bulgarian Red Cross was held the International Freemasonic Conference, organized by The Grand Lodge of the Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Bulgaria. Participants at the conference were Brethren from The Grand Lodge of the Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Bulgaria, The Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Bulgaria, The United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria, The Grand Lodge of Bulgaria, The Supreme Council, 33° of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in Bulgaria. International participants were representatives from the Grand Lodges of Serbia, Greece, Macedonia, The United Grand Lodges of Germany. Main topics of the conference were:

  • Freemasonic law and justice
  • Freemasonry and the contemporary social society

Reports on the following topics were made:

  • “Legal Aspects Against Discriminatory Characteristics of Bulgarian Legislation for Free Masons”
  • “Masonry, Society and Their Co-Future”
  • “Moral and Masonic Justice”
  • “Masonry and Society”
  • “The Ritual Mission to Build Leaders with Sound Ethical and Moral Principles”
  • “Masonry and Privacy”
  • “Masonry and Society”
  • “I in a contemporary and modern society”
  • “The CCI Lodge – a Growth Tool in the MLSPCC” (Reforming the Masonry)
  • “Masonry and its Future in Contemporary Society”
  • “Realization and Selection of Search Persons through the Information Portal”

Visits to the Masonic Halls in Kozloduy and Haskovo were made.