(20170923) Festive Gathering for the 20 Years Anniversary of The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in Bulgaria (+GAL)

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(20170923) Festive Gathering for the 20 Years Anniversary of The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in Bulgaria (+GAL)

Today a festive gathering was held to mark the 20 Years Anniversary of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in Bulgaria. The event was held in the National Masonic Home of the Supreme Council 33 of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Bulgaria, located in o. Plovdiv. Greetings for the event were received from many lodges from the world as well as most of the lodges in the Jurisdiction of Bulgaria. A discource was held about the path since 1992. The work of the PGM MW Br. Georgi Krumov (George Krumov) of the Grand Lodge of Bulgaria (later renamed to Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in Bulgaria) was acknowledged in the light of the development of Freemasonry in Bulgaria. The remarks were made by the PGM MW Br. Nikola Alexandrov. “Today we may officially say that we mark 20 years Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in Bulgaria, but also 25 year of the rebuilding of freemasonry in Bulgaria”. Also it was stated by the MW PGM Br. Nikola Alexandrov that freemasonry exists on Bulgarian land for more than 200 years for there is information about craft lodges since the beginning of the XIX century.

The GM MW Br. Atanas Yalamov of the Grand Lodge of Bulgaria expressed official greetings by the VW GO Br. A.T. and made a gift – an icon of St. Paul the Baptist to the GM the MW Br. Plamen Mateev. 

The Grand Lodge of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Bulgaria sent a Greeting Letter on behalf of the Grand Master Nikolay Stanchev.

An official Greeting Letter was received from the SGC of the SC 33 of the AASR of Bulgaria the MI Br. Petar Kalpakchiev.

The day concluded with a ritual festive agapa and retrospection of the past 20 years.