(20170920) Pressconference “20 years Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Bulgaria” (+GAL) (+AUD) (+VID)

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(20170920) Pressconference “20 years Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Bulgaria” (+GAL) (+AUD) (+VID)

Today a pressconference on the topic “20 years Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Bulgaria – the first authentic and original Grand Freemasonic Lodge after 1989” was held.

At the pressconference took part The Most Worshipful Grand Master Bro. Plamen Mateev, The Most Worshipful Past-Grand Master Bro. Nikola Aleksandrov, The Most Worshipful  Past-Grand Master Bro. Rumen Ralchev.

Moderator of the pressconference was The Very Worshipful Grand Orator Bro. Dimitar Urdev.




Audio file: