(20170117) Brothers from CL Ehnaton are Preparing the 10 Years Anniversary

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(20170117) Brothers from CL Ehnaton are Preparing the 10 Years Anniversary

Today Brothers part of the craft lodge Ehnaton met in order to work on the festive event for the 10 years anniversary of craft lodge Ehnaton which will take place on October 19, 2017 in the Sheraton Balkan Hotel in Sofia. At this event an inivitation for all brothers who have started their Freemasonic journey will be isssued as well as for all other brothers from all GLs in Bulgaria and abroad. At the festive gathering it is expected 150 brethren from which 80 will be Brothers who are or who have been part of the the Ehnaton lodge – one of the most esotheric lodges in Orient Bulgaria. A photo and video retrospection as well as speeches from the Brothers who have been the key figures in the history of the lodge are also part of the agenda of the meeting. Until this moment more than 100 Brothers work in Ehnaton craft lodge of other CLs. Beloved Brothers, please mark the day October 19, 2018 in your calenderas.