DISCOURCE: Spreading the Light of Masonic Research No. 280: “The Battle That Created Shibboleth” Δ

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DISCOURCE: Spreading the Light of Masonic Research No. 280: “The Battle That Created Shibboleth” Δ

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Spreading the Light of Masonic Research No. 280:

“The Battle That Created Shibboleth” Δ

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Our next (online) Unstated Meeting will be on Saturday, October 19th at 10 AM Eastern Time. See below for details.
We have a new YouTube channel, which has videos of all of our previous Unstated Meetings: https://www.youtube.com/@ResearchLodgeHere is our latest installment of research papers from Virginia Research Lodge No. 1777. If you would like to be added to the list, or have a friend who would like to be on the list, just send me an email or message. This week’s submission is from Right Worshipful Stormy Thorson, “The Battle That Created Shibboleth” which we are considering as being presented to Virginia Research Lodge No. 1777 on October 1, 2024.

Rt. Wor. Stormy Thorson, a long-time member of Virginia Research Lodge No. 1777, laid down his working tools on October 10, 2024. This article appeared in the Virginia Masonic Herald (Fall 2024) which had just been published days earlier. Although it is customary for us to share papers that had been presented at a Masonic event, we felt it appropriate to honor his last published words to the craft.


In this paper, the author presents the biblical history behind Jephthah, Judge of Israel, and the use of the word “Shibboleth” which cost the lives of many Ephraimites. The significance of this biblical story is clear to any regular Mason.

If you enjoy these weekly papers, I highly recommend attending one of Virginia’s premier Research Lodges. Hearing a paper presented in person by the author, with the discussion afterwards, is a far superior experience to simply reading it for yourself. Also, there are papers presented in a Research Lodge that will never be made available online.

Did you miss a paper? See all previous papers here: http://www.researchlodge.org/Lists/Spreading.