Other pic VP and President Fraternally,Sean Reed, President Mt. Laurel High Twelve Club #770 – NJ Nicholas Vettese is our Spotlight Member of the Month for Mt. Laurel # 770 in New Jersey. Nick has been president of our club since 2022 guiding and directing the club through good and bad…
ОщеВъв връзка с проекта в Албания (https://www.grandlodgebulgaria.org/bg/?p=9613) то ето реакции от Братята по света: Walter Benesch, 33o, OPC (Order of the Purple Cross – considered by some the 33o of the York Rite in USA), District of Columbia and GL Northern Virginia. Wonderful news about what Masons are doing. As an anthropologist the acknowledgement and promotion…
ОщеApril 2024 These funds will be used by Grand Lodge to cover operating expenses and in turn go to keeping your per-captia fees as low as possible. Contacts for tickets are: Tim Heisler 204-430-1349 or heislet@hotmail.com Norm Lyons 204-955-3424 or normanlyons@shaw.ca Bill Bracegirdle 204-781-8100 or wmtelca@gmail.com Jeffrey Anderson…