Архив на категория: History – World

(20171205) Greeting Address to the GL of Cuba

(20171205) Greeting Address to the GL of Cuba

Dear Brethren, please find enclosed the greeting address to from the MW GMs of GLAFAMBG, GLAASRBG and GLB to the MW GM and all Brethren part of the GL of Cuba in the light of their 158 years birthday celebration. Translation into English language from Spanish The Grand Masters of the Nationally United Grand Lodges…


(20170920) Pressconference “20 years Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Bulgaria” (+GAL) (+AUD) (+VID)

(20170920) Pressconference "20 years Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Bulgaria" (+GAL) (+AUD) (+VID)

Today a pressconference on the topic “20 years Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Bulgaria – the first authentic and original Grand Freemasonic Lodge after 1989” was held. At the pressconference took part The Most Worshipful Grand Master Bro. Plamen Mateev, The Most Worshipful Past-Grand Master Bro. Nikola Aleksandrov, The Most Worshipful  Past-Grand Master Bro….


ГРАДЕЖ: Протомасонството и Франсоа Вийон

ГРАДЕЖ: Протомасонството и Франсоа Вийон

Великата ложа на старите свободни и приети зидари в България счита, че като майка на всички регулярни Велики ложи в България, е призвана да дава информация и разяснение относно същината на масонството. По тази причина причина може да достъпите следния градеж на масонска тематика: Протомасонството и Франсоа Вийон Об. Бр., Уверен съм, че изборът на…


ГРАДЕЖ: Франко-масонската същност за човещината

ГРАДЕЖ: Франко-масонската същност за човещината

Великата ложа на старите свободни и приети зидари в България счита, че като майка на всички регулярни Велики ложи в България, е призвана да дава информация и разяснение относно същината на масонството. По тази причина причина може да достъпите следния градеж на масонска тематика: Франко-масонската същност за човещината Уважаеми братя, при днешните духовни обърквания позицията…


(20111228) In Memoriam: Christian Frederick Kleinknecht

(20111228) In Memoriam: Christian Frederick Kleinknecht

In Memoriam: Christian Frederick Kleinknecht By Dr. S. Brent Morris, 33°, Grand Cross Scottish Rite Journal IN DEO FIDUCIA NOSTRA FROM THE GRAND ORIENT OF HEREDOM AT WASHINGTON, DECEMBER 1, A.L. 6011To all the Bodies and Brethren of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States:SORROW! SORROW! SORROW! DEAR…


(20011003) Official opening of Bicentennial Monument in Charleston, South Carolina, USA

(20011003) Official opening of Bicentennial Monument in Charleston, South Carolina, USA

On October 3, 2001, in Charleston, South Carolina, USA the official opening ceremony of the Bicentennial Monument of SC33 AASR was held. Official representatives of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in Bulgaria were Bro. Iliya Pavlov 33° and Bro. Vasil Stoev 33°. They handed the official congratulatory letter on behalf of the MW GM Bro….


(20010107) The establishment of the Supreme Council, 33° in Bulgaria (+GAL)

(20010107) The establishment of the Supreme Council, 33° in Bulgaria (+GAL)

  C. B. Hall, 33°, S.G.I.G. in West Virginia and Second Grand Equerry of the Supreme Council, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A. PO Box 908, Charleston, WV 25323–0908   The Supreme Council in Bulgaria was consecrated on January 7, 2001, in a historic ceremony attended by many international Masonic dignitaries. The establishment of a Supreme Council of…


(20000702) Masonic Light in Bulgaria

(20000702) Masonic Light in Bulgaria

Masonic Light in Bulgaria Donald L. Saint, 33° Deputy Grand Master, American Canadian Grand Lodge (ACGL) Wetziarer Strasse 18, 35435 Wettenberg, Germany   Freemasonry has been well received in Bulgaria. In April 2000, Sovereign Grand Commander C. Fred Kleinknecht, 33°, received a letter from the Grand Master of Bulgaria, M.W. Ivan Stavrev, requesting him to…
