Архив на категория: History – World

DISCOURCE: Life and work of eng. Nicolas Dymkoff

DISCOURCE: Life and work of eng. Nicolas Dymkoff

The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Bulgaria considers that, as the mother of all the regular Grand Lodges in Bulgaria, is called upon to provide information and clarification about the essence of Freemasonry. For this reason, you can access the following Masonic discource: Life and work of eng. Nicolas Dymkoff “I…


(20210325) PGM of the GLY the MW Bro. Zoran Nenezic is now in the chancery of the GAU

(20210325) PGM of the GLY the MW Bro. Zoran Nenezic is now in the chancery of the GAU

On March 25th, 2021 at 68 years of age the MW PGM of the Grand Lodge of Yugoslavia Bro. Zoran Nenezic moved his masonic work obligations to the chancery of the Grand Architect of the Universe. The first GM of the GLY, after its restart in 1990, is one of the ideological friends of the…


COMING SOON: Jan 31, 2021: The 10th International Masonic Town Hall

COMING SOON: Jan 31, 2021: The 10th International Masonic Town Hall

MW, RW, VW, W Brothers, on January 31st, 2021 the international conference “The 10th International Masonic Town Hall” will take place, organized by the GL of South Africa and GL of New York with the participation of MW IPGM Bro. Plamen Mateev, as well as with the participation of the MW GMs and PGMs of…


(20201202) Public lecture of the MW GM Br. Krasimir Martinov at Rotary Club (+VID)

(20201202) Public lecture of the MW GM Br. Krasimir Martinov at Rotary Club (+VID)

Dear Brethren, please find information and a video from the public lecture of the MW GM Bro. Krasimir Martinov given at a meeting of Rotary Club Sofia Capital.   (DEC 02) Meeting 23 with guest-speaker the Grand Master Krasimir Martinov (+VID)   Rotary Club Sofia Capital held its 23rd meeting for 2020-2021 Rotary year today….


(20201127) 103 years since the founding of the first Grand Lodge on the territory of Bulgaria

(20201127) 103 years since the founding of the first Grand Lodge on the territory of Bulgaria

Today marks 103 years since the founding of the first Grand Lodge on the territory of Bulgaria, when the establishment of the independent Grand Symbolic Lodge of Bulgaria based in Sofia was proclaimed, and General Alexander Protogerov was elected the first Grand Master of the Bulgarian Freemasons. This became possible after June 9, 1917 when…


COMING SOON: Nov 21, 2020: The 8th International Masonic Town Hall

COMING SOON: Nov 21, 2020: The 8th International Masonic Town Hall

MW, RW, VW, W Brothers, on November 21st, 2020 the international conference “The Seventh International Masonic Town Hall” will take place, organized by the GL of South Africa and GL of New York with the participation of MW IPGM Bro. Plamen Mateev, as well as with the participation of the MW GMs and PGMs of…


COMING SOON: Oct 31, 2020: The Seventh International Masonic Town Hall

COMING SOON: Oct 31, 2020: The Seventh International Masonic Town Hall

MW, RW, VW, W Brothers, on October 31st, 2020 the international conference “The 8thInternational Masonic Town Hall” will take place, organized by the GL of South Africa and GL of New York with the participation of MW IPGM Bro. Plamen Mateev, as well as with the participation of the MW GMs and PGMs of the…
