Архив на категория: GM – Meetings – Plamen Mateev

(20200214-18) GL AF&AM of Bulgaria at the CGMMNA 2020 (+GAL)

(20200214-18) GL AF&AM of Bulgaria at the CGMMNA 2020 (+GAL)

The Grand Lodge of the Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Bulgaria took part at the annual Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America which was held in 2020 in the beautiful city of Louisville, Kentucky, USA. During the Conference the Most Worshipful Grand Master of GL AF&AM of Bulgaria Bro. Krasimir Martinov, the MW…


(20200125) XIX Annual Meeting of the Supreme Council, 33° of A.A.S.R. in Bulgaria

(20200125) XIX Annual Meeting of the Supreme Council, 33° of A.A.S.R. in Bulgaria

On January 24 through 25, 2020, Sovereign Grand Commander Ill. Rumen Naydenov, 33° presided a 33° conferral, Inspector General Honorary, and the XIX Annual Meeting of the Supreme Council, 33° of A.A.S.R. in Bulgaria that took place in the National Temple of Scottish Rite in Bulgaria in the Valley of Plovdiv. Since its consecration on…


(20200120) Ritual work with a guest from GL of Vermont

(20200120) Ritual work with a guest from GL of Vermont

Today in the Freemasonic Slatina Temple a lodge gathering was attended by a valued guest the Honorable Bro. M.S. from the Grand Lodge of Vermont. Bro. M.S. took part in the lodge gathering after he expressed his wish to be part of a lodge ritual work that is part of the GL AF&AM of Bulgaria….


(20200114) Ritual work with a guests from GL of Israel and GL of Luxembourg

(20200114) Ritual work with a guests from GL of Israel and GL of Luxembourg

Today, January 14th, 2020 in the Freemasonic Slatina Temple a lodge gathering was attended by valued guests: the Worshipful Bro. Y.G. from the Rashbi Lodge number 8 part of the Grand Lodge of AF&AM of the State of Israel and the Worshipful PLM Bro. F.T. from the Friendship Lodge number 4, part of the Grand Lodge…


(20191224) Ritual work in the afternoon before The Holy Night with a guest from GL of California

(20191224) Ritual work in the afternoon before The Holy Night with a guest from GL of California

Today in the Freemasonic Slatina Temple a lodge gathering was attended by a valued guest the Honorable Bro. T.K. from the Grand Lodge of California. Bro. T.K. took part in the lodge gathering after he expressed his wish to be part of a lodge ritual work that is part of the GL AF&AM of Bulgaria….


(20191107) Joint ritual work and lodge gathering under the auspicies of the WMCL Zaria 004

(20191107) Joint ritual work and lodge gathering under the auspicies of the WMCL Zaria 004

Today November 7, 2019 in the National Freemasonic Hall situated at 5 Sredorek str., Sofia city, a joint ritual work and lodge gathering under the auspicies of the WMCL Zaria 004 was conducted by the WM RW Bro. Emil Harsev. The work was at the Entered Apprentice degree. The gathering was visited by many Brothers…


(20190920-21) International Freemasonic Conference (+GAL)

(20190920-21) International Freemasonic Conference (+GAL)

On the days September 20-21, 2019, in the national headquarters of the Bulgaria Red Cross the 2019 edition of the International Freemasonic Conference was held, organized by the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in Bulgaria. The conference was attended by many Brothers and non-Masons and members of the following Freemasonic entities took…


(20190922) Festivities for Independence Day in Sofia (+GAL)

(20190922) Festivities for Independence Day in Sofia (+GAL)

Today the Most Worshipful Grand Master Bro. Krasimir Martinov and the PGM MW Bro. Plamen Mateev (GMs of Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Bulgaria), assisted in their actions by the Very Worshipful Vice-Grand Master and Beloved Brothers from craft lodges in Orient Sofia, layed flower wreaths at the Independence Monument, located…


(20190215-20) GL AF&AM of Bulgaria at the CGMMNA 2019 (+GAL)

(20190215-20) GL AF&AM of Bulgaria at the CGMMNA 2019 (+GAL)

The Grand Lodge of the Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Bulgaria took part at the annual Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America which was held in 2019 in the beautiful Rappid City, South Dakota. During the Conference the Most Worshipful Grand Master of GL AF&AM of Bulgaria Bro. Plamen Mateev had a number…


(20180131) Public lecture of the MW GM Br. Plamen Mateev at Rotary Club (+GAL) (+VID)

(20180131) Public lecture of the MW GM Br. Plamen Mateev at Rotary Club (+GAL) (+VID)

Dear Brethren, please find information and a video from the public lecture of the MW GM Bro. Plamen Mateev given at a meeting of Rotary Club Sofia Capital.   (JAN 31) Meeting 31 with guest-speaker the Grand Master Plamen Mateev (+GAL) (+VID)   Today Rotary Club Sofia Capital hosted its 31st regular meeting for the…
