Архив на категория: Ритуал Шрьодер

(20220208) Joint ritual of Asen Zlatarov lodge and Zahari Stoyanov lodge

(20220208) Joint ritual of Asen Zlatarov lodge and Zahari Stoyanov lodge

Today a 2nd degree ritual was held at the Slatina Masonic Hall in the orient of Sofia. It was a joint ritual between Zahari Stoyanov lodge and Asen Zlatarov lodge. The ritual also had a hybrid part online. It consisted of opening, having a Brother as a guest speaker, greeting guests, discussing future activities. There…


(20220125) Joint ritual of Asen Zlatarov lodge and Zahari Stoyanov lodge

(20220125) Joint ritual of Asen Zlatarov lodge and Zahari Stoyanov lodge

Today an entered apprentice ritual was held at the Slatina Masonic Hall in the orient of Sofia. It was a joint ritual between Asen Zlatarov lodge and Zahari Stoyanov lodge. The ritual also had a hybrid part online. It consisted of opening, having a Brother as a guest speaker, greeting guests, discussing future activities. There…
