(20210304) Virtual order Sapere Aude: John Dickie: Freemasonry for both Masons and non-Masons. Challenges. Opportunities. Experiences meeting_saved_chat American indian Freemasonry – A C Parker
Още(20210314) Virtual order Sapere Aude: Bro. Philip Standfast & Bro. Michael Bottomle: The August order of Light. Past, Present & Future Mar 14 – Sapere Aude 157 – The August order of Light by Philip Standfast & Michael Bottomley
Още(20210311) Виртуален орден Sapere Aude: СМС Бр Ролф Кейл от ОВЛ Германия: Масонството в Германия. Кратка история meeting_saved_chat
Още(20210310) Virtual order Sapere Aude: GL of Dominican Republic
Още(20210301) Virtual order Sapere Aude: WM Bro Joaquim Grave dos Santos: Treasures of Portuguese Masonic Palace and Museum meeting_saved_chat
Още(20210225) Virtual order Sapere Aude: GL Georgia Bro Giorgi Pataridze: Roots and Role of Oriental Paganism and Folk Magic in the development of Western Esotericism meeting_saved_chat
Още(20210224) Virtual order Sapere Aude: First DGM of the GLCzech – Jaap Sadilek – Bohemian Masonic Glass meeting_saved_chat
Още(20210125) Virtual order Sapere Aude 137: RW Bro Bob Cooper: Robert Burns Tam O Shanter Aprons and Gloves
Още(20210113) Virtual order Sapere Aude: W Bro. Tony Harvey, PAGDC, the Prestonian Lecturer
ОщеDear Brothers, Sisters and Speakers, It has been extraordinary year full of unexpected challenges that turned out a tragedy to hundreds of thousands of families around the world due to COVID-19. Whole world has been shut down and mostly locked in the houses. Contemporary technologies came along to safeguard some sort of communication which…