Архив на категория: ВЛ – Грузия

(20240410) Comments from Brethren from around the globe about the Albania project

(20240410) Comments from Brethren from around the globe about the Albania project

Comments from Brethren from around the globe about the Albania project (https://www.grandlodgebulgaria.org/bg/?p=9613&lang=en): Walter Benesch, 33o, OPC (Order of the Purple Cross – considered by some the 33o of the York Rite in USA), District of Columbia and GL Northern Virginia. Wonderful news about what Masons are doing.  As an anthropologist the acknowledgement and promotion of native…


(20210304) Virtual order Sapere Aude: John Dickie: Freemasonry for both Masons and non-Masons. Challenges. Opportunities. Experiences

(20210304) Virtual order Sapere Aude: John Dickie: Freemasonry for both Masons and non-Masons. Challenges. Opportunities. Experiences

(20210304) Virtual order Sapere Aude: John Dickie: Freemasonry for both Masons and non-Masons. Challenges. Opportunities. Experiences meeting_saved_chat American indian Freemasonry – A C Parker


(20210314) Virtual order Sapere Aude: Bro. Philip Standfast & Bro. Michael Bottomle: The August order of Light. Past, Present & Future

(20210314) Virtual order Sapere Aude: Bro. Philip Standfast & Bro. Michael Bottomle: The August order of Light. Past, Present & Future

(20210314) Virtual order Sapere Aude: Bro. Philip Standfast & Bro. Michael Bottomle: The August order of Light. Past, Present & Future   Mar 14 – Sapere Aude 157 – The August order of Light by Philip Standfast & Michael Bottomley


(20210311) Virtual order Sapere Aude: PWM Bro. Rolf Keil from UGLs Germany: Freemasonry in Germany. A Brief History.

(20210311) Virtual order Sapere Aude: PWM Bro. Rolf Keil from UGLs Germany: Freemasonry in Germany. A Brief History.

(20210311) Виртуален орден Sapere Aude: СМС Бр Ролф Кейл от ОВЛ Германия: Масонството в Германия. Кратка история meeting_saved_chat


(20210301) Virtual order Sapere Aude: WM Bro Joaquim Grave dos Santos: Treasures of Portuguese Masonic Palace and Museum

(20210301) Virtual order Sapere Aude: WM Bro Joaquim Grave dos Santos: Treasures of Portuguese Masonic Palace and Museum

(20210301) Virtual order Sapere Aude: WM Bro Joaquim Grave dos Santos: Treasures of Portuguese Masonic Palace and Museum meeting_saved_chat


(20210225) Virtual order Sapere Aude: GL Georgia Bro Giorgi Pataridze: Roots and Role of Oriental Paganism and Folk Magic in the development of Western Esotericism

(20210225) Virtual order Sapere Aude: GL Georgia Bro Giorgi Pataridze: Roots and Role of Oriental Paganism and Folk Magic in the development of Western Esotericism

(20210225) Virtual order Sapere Aude: GL Georgia Bro Giorgi Pataridze: Roots and Role of Oriental Paganism and Folk Magic in the development of Western Esotericism meeting_saved_chat  


(20210224) Virtual order Sapere Aude: First DGM of the GLCzech – Jaap Sadilek – Bohemian Masonic Glass

(20210224) Virtual order Sapere Aude: First DGM of the GLCzech - Jaap Sadilek - Bohemian Masonic Glass

(20210224) Virtual order Sapere Aude: First DGM of the GLCzech – Jaap Sadilek – Bohemian Masonic Glass meeting_saved_chat


(20210128) Virtual order Sapere Aude+ 8: History of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite by Bro. Pierre Mollier le Cavailler

(20210128) Virtual order Sapere Aude+ 8: History of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite by Bro. Pierre Mollier le Cavailler

(20210128) Virtual order Sapere Aude+ 8: History of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite by Bro. Pierre Mollier le Cavailler Jan 28 – Sapere Aude+ 8 – History of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite by Bro. Pierre Mollier le Cavailler
