Архив на категория: Craft Lodge 043

DISCOURCE: The Students’ Home as a Freemasonic work

DISCOURCE: The Students' Home as a Freemasonic work

The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Bulgaria considers that, as the mother of all the regular Grand Lodges in Bulgaria, is called upon to provide information and clarification about the essence of Freemasonry. For this reason, you can access the following Masonic discource: The Students’ Home as a Freemasonic work Translation…


DISCOURCE: Life and work of eng. Nicolas Dymkoff

DISCOURCE: Life and work of eng. Nicolas Dymkoff

The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Bulgaria considers that, as the mother of all the regular Grand Lodges in Bulgaria, is called upon to provide information and clarification about the essence of Freemasonry. For this reason, you can access the following Masonic discource: Life and work of eng. Nicolas Dymkoff “I…


(20220211) Donation to The George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria, USA

(20220211) Donation to The George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria, USA

Today we received the official acknowledgement of the donation to The George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria, USA. The support is by The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in Bulgaria, and more specifically this time by the Akhenaton Lodge 43. This is the 2nd time the Akhenaton lodge supports the activitieis of the…


(20220208) Joint ritual of Asen Zlatarov lodge and Zahari Stoyanov lodge

(20220208) Joint ritual of Asen Zlatarov lodge and Zahari Stoyanov lodge

Today a 2nd degree ritual was held at the Slatina Masonic Hall in the orient of Sofia. It was a joint ritual between Zahari Stoyanov lodge and Asen Zlatarov lodge. The ritual also had a hybrid part online. It consisted of opening, having a Brother as a guest speaker, greeting guests, discussing future activities. There…


(20220208) Donation to the National Student House

(20220208) Donation to the National Student House

Today, Februart 8th, 2022, Bro. DImiter Mandradjiev as a representative of the Akhenaton lodge, donated to the National Student House a historical artefact with value to this institution. The donation was accepted by the director of the NSD Mr. Hristian Daskalov. This is an original paper copy, almost 100 years old. The original 96-year-old paper version…


DISCOURCE: “Builders From the Earliest Times to the Present” by Lazar T. Kiselinchev Δ

DISCOURCE: "Builders From the Earliest Times to the Present" by Lazar T. Kiselinchev Δ

The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Bulgaria considers that, as the mother of all the regular Grand Lodges in Bulgaria, is called upon to provide information and clarification about the essence of Freemasonry. For this reason, you can access the following Masonic discource: “Builders From the Earliest Times to the Present”…


(20220125) Joint ritual of Asen Zlatarov lodge and Zahari Stoyanov lodge

(20220125) Joint ritual of Asen Zlatarov lodge and Zahari Stoyanov lodge

Today an entered apprentice ritual was held at the Slatina Masonic Hall in the orient of Sofia. It was a joint ritual between Asen Zlatarov lodge and Zahari Stoyanov lodge. The ritual also had a hybrid part online. It consisted of opening, having a Brother as a guest speaker, greeting guests, discussing future activities. There…


(20210405) Guest speaker at High Twelve club Donegal Area #686 in Elizabethtown, PA, USA

(20210405) Guest speaker at High Twelve club Donegal Area #686 in Elizabethtown, PA, USA

On April 5th, 2021 Bro Dimiter Mandradjiev from the Ehnaton lodge #43 as a member of the High 12 International President’s Club was invited to be a guest speaker of the High Twelve club Donegal Area #686 in Elizabethtown, PA, USA by its president Bro David R. Whitenack upon the activities of H12 in Bulgaria.


(20201110) The First Bulgarian Freemason in High Twelve International

(20201110) The First Bulgarian Freemason in High Twelve International

Today GL AF&AM in Bulgaria, via the Akhenaton lodge 43 and Bro. Dimiter Mandradjiev became member of the High Twelve International masonic organization. More about High Twelve International: High Twelve is an organization of Master Masons who support Masonic causes with special emphasis on youth support and patriotic events. There are over 5,000 members in…
