Архив на категория: Recognitions

(20190911-16) GL of AF&AM of Bulgaria at ritual work, exchange of recognitions and celebrations for the 75 years anniversary of the consecration of the Grand Orient of Minas Gerais in the City of Belo Horizonte, Brasil (+GAL)

(20190911-16) GL of AF&AM of Bulgaria at ritual work, exchange of recognitions and celebrations for the 75 years anniversary of the consecration of the Grand Orient of Minas Gerais in the City of Belo Horizonte, Brasil (+GAL)

After a special invitation from the Grand Orient of Minas Gerais (GOMG), a representative of the GL AF&AM of Bulgaria, the RW Grand Orator Bro. Alexander Lazarov, visited the city of Belo Horizonte in the period September 11-16, 2019. On September 13, a festivity event was held for the 75th aniversary if the consecration of…


(20190619-22) ВGL AF&AM of Bulgaria at ritual work and Annual Communication of GL of British Columbia and Yukon, Canada (+GAL)

(20190619-22) ВGL AF&AM of Bulgaria at ritual work and Annual Communication of GL of British Columbia and Yukon, Canada (+GAL)

A delegation of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in Bulgaria led by the MW Grand Master Bro. Plamen Mateev and RW Secretary for international relations and public affairs Bro. Dimiter Mandradjiev, PGS, took part at the 2 day ritual work of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of…


(20190309) Recognition to The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Lebanon

(20190309) Recognition to The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Lebanon

(20190309) Recognition to The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Lebanon   News related to the work between GL AF&AM in Bulgaria and The GL F&AM of Lebanon:


(20190309) Recognition with Grand Orient of Minas Gerais, Brasil

(20190309) Recognition with Grand Orient of Minas Gerais, Brasil

(20190309) Recognition with Grand Orient of Minas Gerais, Brasil   Information from Sep 12, 2020:   News related to the work between GL AF&AM in Bulgaria and GO of Minas Gerais, Brasil:


(20190309) Recognition between GL AF&AM of Bulgaria and GO of Minas Gerais, Brasil (+GAL)

(20190309) Recognition between GL AF&AM of Bulgaria and GO of Minas Gerais, Brasil (+GAL)

Today, during a regular General Assembly of the GL AF&AM of Bulgaria a mutual recognition treaty was signed with the Grand Orient of Minas Gerais, Brasil. The official ceremony was held at the National Freemasonic Hall in Sofia city and gathered many Brothers from the GL of AF&AM of Bulgaria.


(20190208) GL AF&AM of Bulgaria and GL F&AM of Alaska sign-in new representatives

(20190208) GL AF&AM of Bulgaria and GL F&AM of Alaska sign-in new representatives

The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Bulgaria together with the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alaska, USA updated and signed-in thir new representatives that are to ensure a faster brotherly communication and more efficient ways of having mutual freemasonic events and initiatives. The Grand Lodge AF&AM…


(20180616) Consecration of the GL AF&AM of Macedonia (+GAL)

(20180616) Consecration of the GL AF&AM of Macedonia (+GAL)

On June 16, 2018 in the City of Skopje during a Consecration Ritual, Light was brought to the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Freemasons of Macedonia (AKA Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Freemasons in Macedonia). The festive event was held by the Mother Grand Lodge – the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and…


(20171015) Recognition from Grand Lodge AFAM of Cuba (+GAL)

(20171015) Recognition from Grand Lodge AFAM of Cuba (+GAL)

Today, October 15, 2017, in The National Freemasonic Hall “Gorna Banya” (the hall in which the GLAFAMBG was consecrated and light was brought by the GL AFAM of Germany, part of the United Grand Lodges of Germany) a festive ritual was held according to the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in the presence of the…


(20150520) Recognition from United Grand Lodges of Serbia

(20150520) Recognition from United Grand Lodges of Serbia

(20150520) Recognition from United Grand Lodges of Serbia   News related to the work between GL AF&AM in Bulgaria and United Grand Lodges of Serbia:


(20120814) Recognition from Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Wyoming, USA

(20120814) Recognition from Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Wyoming, USA

(20120814) Recognition from Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Wyoming, USA 2012 Wyoming 2012 – Granted full recognition to the Grand Lodge of Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, and Cyprus. Took no action on GLNF. Granted visitation rights to Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Alaska.  2015 2018 2020 – information provided by RW Bro….
