Архив на категория: NUGLB

(20190619-22) ВGL AF&AM of Bulgaria at ritual work and Annual Communication of GL of British Columbia and Yukon, Canada (+GAL)

(20190619-22) ВGL AF&AM of Bulgaria at ritual work and Annual Communication of GL of British Columbia and Yukon, Canada (+GAL)

A delegation of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in Bulgaria led by the MW Grand Master Bro. Plamen Mateev and RW Secretary for international relations and public affairs Bro. Dimiter Mandradjiev, PGS, took part at the 2 day ritual work of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of…


(20190425) Affeliation of C.L. “Dobrudja” from GL AASR of Bulgaria to GL AF&AM of Bulgaria

(20190425) Affeliation of C.L. "Dobrudja" from GL AASR of Bulgaria to GL AF&AM of Bulgaria

Today the MW GM of GL AF&AM of Bulgaria with Decision 19305-1 approved the affeliation request of C.L. “Dobrudja” in the union of GL AF&AM of Bulgaria. The constituen lodge until now had been a member of the GL of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Bulgaria. The affeliation process was successful due to the…


(20190215-20) GL AF&AM of Bulgaria at the CGMMNA 2019 (+GAL)

(20190215-20) GL AF&AM of Bulgaria at the CGMMNA 2019 (+GAL)

The Grand Lodge of the Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Bulgaria took part at the annual Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America which was held in 2019 in the beautiful Rappid City, South Dakota. During the Conference the Most Worshipful Grand Master of GL AF&AM of Bulgaria Bro. Plamen Mateev had a number…


(20190126) Grand Officers Meeting

(20190126) Grand Officers Meeting

On January 26, 2019 in the National Masonic Home in the city of Plovdiv a meeting of the Grand Officers took place. Many questions and issues were discusses about the work with all other Freemasonic entities in the Jurisdiction of Bulgaria, as well as a plan for national and international work was laid out and…


(20190109) Happy New Year 2019 from National United Grand Lodges of Bulgaria!

(20190109) Happy New Year 2019 from National United Grand Lodges of Bulgaria!

Happy New Year 2019 from National United Grand Lodges of Bulgaria!


(20181216) Masonic Christmas Ball 2018 (+GAL)

(20181216) Masonic Christmas Ball 2018 (+GAL)

On December 16, 2018, the annual Christmas Ball of Freemasons in Bulgaria (Masonic Christmas Ball) took place in HOME NUMBER 2 part of the government residence Boyana in Sofia city. The festive program included greetings, music, traditional freemasonic Christmas activities (lottery and auction) as well as surprises according to Bulgarian Christmas customs. We are all…


(20180928-29) International Freemasonic Conference (+GAL)

(20180928-29) International Freemasonic Conference (+GAL)

On September 28-29, 2018 at the headquarters of the Bulgarian Red Cross was held the International Freemasonic Conference, organized by The Grand Lodge of the Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Bulgaria. Participants at the conference were Brethren from The Grand Lodge of the Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Bulgaria, The Grand Lodge of the Ancient…


(20180616) Consecration of the GL AF&AM of Macedonia (+GAL)

(20180616) Consecration of the GL AF&AM of Macedonia (+GAL)

On June 16, 2018 in the City of Skopje during a Consecration Ritual, Light was brought to the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Freemasons of Macedonia (AKA Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Freemasons in Macedonia). The festive event was held by the Mother Grand Lodge – the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and…
